Ok so I feel like an idiot !!!
I swallowed my gum about 1/2 an hour ago it was a small piece of Dentyne Fire one of those little squares. I was drinking my iced tea after then I thought mybe something hot so now I am drinking a cup of hot tea and will make another after this. I have no odd symptoms other than freaking out.
Kay, April anyone of you healthcare professionals any advice ?
Any help would be appreciated

I'm laughing as I read this and I'm sorry but it just tickled my funnybone

I don't chew gum (haven't since I got braces as a kid) so I haven't had this problem and can't help.
Why don't you call your doctor's office and see if there is anything you need to worry about
Unless you're afraid they will laugh too
Sorry, but it's funny

This is a serious matter and I am sure you are freaking out. I was told we can not chew gum because if we swallow it, it could get stuck. (I am bad because I chew gum all the time)
Ok since it is done and you don't feel pain with drinking perhaps it has passed through. Have you tried to eat? Maybe eat something soft and see if it bothers you. If it does not then I think you are ok. If it does bother you call the doctor. I am sending hugs your way!
hugs, Chris

Oh my gosh! I don't chew gum for this very reason. I've had nightmares and it's scared me that much! I think early out it was very serious for us to get gum stuck, but our stomas are probably big enough now that it'll pass....this time. I assume that you're okay because you haven't written us back. I would either kick the gum chewing habit or make sure you're more careful. Like I said, it passed this time but we're always unsure of the next. Hope this helps and hope you're okay!
Hey Tori,
Your gonna be ok. I swallowed mine when i was like 6 months out and freaked out. They had me drink warm water with a little meat tenderizer mixed in. I have heard that it can still get stuck but not likely because we are so far out. I swallowed mine a couple weeks ago and warm water made it feel better. Be careful!!