Gripe/Gratitude - Join In!
Hey Jersey and everyone~ I too have been checking the board often but have been to busy to post and usually when I check it I am at work. Shhhh
Jersey can I just say you may have opened a can of worms here ....
ok forewarning I am going to let loose here....stress is making me need to vent
Gripe: Flooding and the bridge collapse here in Minnesota
Gratitude: My family and friends are safe and I didnt lose anyone
Gripe: People yelling at me for things I cant control since I am just doing my job
Gratitude: Having a job (or 2)
Gripe: Finding out the man I have been dating is going to accept a job in Las Vegas
Gratitude: Having met him and being a part of my life
Gripe: Finding out that the scale I was weighing myself on was wrong and I actually weigh 10 lbs more than I thought
Gratitude: Having my life and health and for losing the weight I have
Gripe: Needing to lose that last 10 lbs now that I thought I had
Gratitude: Knowing now that I can do it
Ok I will stop, I could go on forever but wont!
Have a great nite/day all