Gripe/Gratitude - Join In!
Good morning, Everyone!
Every day I check this board and, every day say, "Man, this board has no action." But I never actually post anything, myself, so I have no right to be bummed about it!
I know we, as human beings, should always try to focus on the positives...and I often do...but I have some gripes, too. So here is my contribution to our board today...
Join in! Post something that you have a gripe about today...then post something positive afterwards.... I'll start...
Gripe: Lately, whenever I take a photo of myself, I look OLD. I fear that, if I lose more weight (and I want to!) my face will look even older. That sucks.
Gratitude: I am so thankful that my face is not hidden under layers of fat anymore...even if I have tired-looking eyes and the beginning of a chicken neck.
Gripe: I cannot seem to get to goal weight (I fluctuate between 3 and 7 lbs from goal every week!).
Gratitude: I am wearing a Land's End striped shirt from Sears today. It is a size SMALL. It must be a large small but it is still SMALL! That is freakin' amazing to me!
Gripe: My In-laws are still here.
Gratitude: I am SO thankful for everything my MIL has done for us. We (especially me) will have a much harder time when she is gone.
Gripe: My hair is a nightmare. It looks like Little Orphan Annie's hair...only frizzier!
Gratitude: I actually took the time to do it today and, you know, it is not half bad. LOTS of work, though! I wi**** would just grow, already!
Gripe: I am so, so, so tired. I cannot seem to get un-tired!
Gratitude: I am going on a cruise very soon so I will have time to relax then!
Gripe: My son is going to be away from me again for several weeks. His doctor recommended riding out the NJ ragweed season in Florida, if possible. I am going to be a basket case without him (remember how I was about Mama Goose a few months back...I am talking emotional meltdown here).
Gratitude: I am SO THANKFUL that my parents worship him...and he, them. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to keep him healthy.
Bottom gripes are minor. I am blessed!
I look forward to hearing about your gripes and gratefulness!
Love you all!

Jersey I feel the same about this boring board but I am not posting either. So here is my contribution!
Here is my gripes/gratitude:
I have a major gripe: why do some people not post to my threads yet I know they have been on because they either post after the original thread or respond to one that was made after?
I try to post to all threads but it has kinda bumbed me out like perhaps these certain people do not like me for some reason.....
Gratitude: I have made loads of ffriends on this board and will always cherish these friendships....
Gripe: I hate that it is raining again today, it has rained all week,
Gratitude: but I am happy it is not SNOWING!
Gripe: I am always feeling hungry and am not sure why, I eat and then soon after I feel like I am starving......
Gratitide: at least I am not fat anymore....
Gripe: I too am 15 lbs from goal and want to get there so bad.....
Gratitude: Again at least I am no longer fat!
Gripe: I want to be approved for my tummy tuck....Still waiting and it has been 1 month since I sent the letter certified.
Gratitude: at least it isn't a NO right now....
Hugs, Chris

I too read this board everyday..several times a day! Only to wonder what's happened to everyone that used to post here. Then I think to myself.. I guess they are either doing what I'm doing and just looking or their lives got more interesting now that they've lost weight. OR it's because it's summer and everyone is enjoying the outdoors.
So I will join in here and give my 2 cents.
Gripe: It's so flipping hot and humid here right now I feel like I'm going to die when I'm outside..
Gratitude: I'm finally warm after freezing for so long!
Gripe: I can't seem to stay away from food. I'm my own worst enemy
Gratitude: Eating all day long thankfully I've only gained 5lbs back...
Gripe: I'm wasting 55 dollars a month to Y because I haven't gone in 3 months
Gratitude: I still belong to the Y so when I get off my butt I can still go.
Gripe: I want to see the people posting that posted when we all started this journey. They were so excited about their journey and it made me get excited too.
Gratitude: I'm glad those same people have something else making them happy now and hope they at least think of us once in awhile.
Have a wonderful day,

GM all,
I am popping in quickly to say hello.
Gripe - We did not have a jury trial yesterday
Gratitude - All fathers and possible fathers rights were terminated yesterday.
Gripe - I cannot quit eating, I am hungry all the time
Gratitude - I have money to buy food
Gripe - I have 4 kids that are drivng me nuts this morning
Gratitude - I have 4 kids that are amazing wonderful little creations
Gripe - My boobs hurt
Gratitude - I get to do a job no one else could
Gripe - My house is a mess, I have tons of laundry to be put away and tons of mail to go through, the sweeper needs run etc...
Gratitude - I have a house to be a mess
I am sure I have more but will stop there b/c I want to read a few other posts.
God Bless!
GRIPE: MY teenage girls are so difficult, and at times down right snotty.
GRATITUDE: I have three wonderful daughters
GRIPE: I am always still in ton's of pain and have parts of my body that are numb
GRATITUDE: I was able to afford and have my plastic surgery
GRIPE: MY face and neck looks old
GRATITUDE: I have lost 1/2 of me and can walk, run etc....
GRIPE: THe housing market sucks right now
GRATITUDE: The housing market was very good to us for the last several years
And can I relate to so many of other people's posts.........
Youre right, it's been like a ghosttown around here lately and I haven't been much help.
Gripe: I'm still not working. Keep going on interviews but nothing feels right yet.
Gratitude: I am feeling better than I have in 20 years. Don't need to use my cane except when I walk my dog (she pulls).
Gripe: It's too damn hot and humid. I feel like I'm melting.
Grateful: All in all it's been a wonderful summer and until recently the weather has been great. It has allowed me to get out and do stuff.
Gripe: My sister is driving me nuts
Don't want to go into details though.
Gratitude: I am gratful for my sister. I wouldn't have been able to get through the past 4 years if it wasn't for her help and support.
Gripe: I hate my neck!!!!!!!!!!! With the weightloss it has deflated and now looks like a turkey's
Gratitude: I am grateful that I don't have all the extra skin on my stomach and egs. Don't really need any lower body work, now arms and boobs is another issue.

What a great idea. I check the board nearly every day, but don't take time to post.
Gripe ~ I did not get to my personal goal weight yet, I cant seem to loose these last 10 pounds.
Gratitude! ~ I have lost a total of 98 pounds!!!!!
Gripe ~ I had a consultation with the PS and I have not heard any thing from them even though I have tried to call them 3 times!
Gratitude! ~ I have not received a denial letter yet.
Gripe ~ I cant believe that my boys are going back to school tomorrow this summer has gone by Way Too Fast!
Gratitude! ~ I have 2 beautiful healthy boys who I love VERY much.
Gripe ~ My husband cant keep his cotton pickin hands off of me and I just want to be left alone!!!!
Gratitude! ~ My husband love me.

Hello Everyone,
I'm such a Lurker on this board, but I wanted to come out for
GRIPE:I got moved to another office in a different town and the people there are not so smart
Gratitude:That I know I am appreciated because the owner of the medical office told me so!
GRIPE: I am 2 pounds from my ultimate goal and it's taking forever!!
Gratitude: That I am just about half myself now..what a feeling!!
GRIPE: My older sister has the worst husband EVER...and I feel sad and mad that she stays with that JERK!!
Gratitude: At least she hasn't cut me or our mom out of her life. There is still HOPE!!
Thanks...I feel better now!!LOL
Take Care,