Eating advice??
I have a question...
Since I work evenings now (3 - 11:30), I am starving when I get home around 12:15! I eat dinner at work around 9:00. A little light snack is not helping. I am very hungry. So I have decided to just eat something as long as I stay close to my 1000 calories a day goal! I'm gonna eat cereal with 1/2 a banana when I get home.
Do you think it's bad for me to eat something like cereal that late? Any suggestions?
Hey Kay, I read an article in Shape or Womens Health that was about eating late at night due to work. I know the gist of it was to plan your meals around your schedule and that eating at that time of night isn't whats bad for you but eating the wrong things can be harmful. Depending on the cereal you eat you should be fine and the banana is an added bonus. For your dinner at 9pm you should try to eat something with tons of protein and fiber to help fill you up and keep you feeling full, I'm not sure if you still follow the no drinking after eating tip but if you can extend your time out a bit after eating your 9pm dinner, 2 hours would put you right at 11 - 11:30ish, then start drinking again. That might help you feel more full. Hope it helps.
You look awesome by the way,

Hey Kay:
I think that cereal is a pretty good choice (assuming, of course, you are not eating Fruit Loops
). It is healthy and filling. There have been times when I was starving at night and went for cereal, myself (Raisin Bran fan) and I have never gained from eating it late at night.
Good luck!

Thanks Jersey, that's exactly the reason why I choose cereal.. it fills me up.
I ate it last night and I was satisfied. I'm gonna try oatmeal, cereal or protein bars for the next week and see if it effects my weight. It shouldn't because I add it into my calorie intake for the day!!
Thanks again,