Birds and the bees and it is funny!
Hi guys,
I have to share a very funny story with you all...
My husband and I went camping with my son and my daughters came up to join us for the day. While we were there Brittany left an Iced tea in a can on the table and I told her she had to fini**** She sat down in one of those sports chairs that have a low seat and she took a sip of her tea, all of a sudden she jumped up and slapped her mouth over and over and threw the can across camp, she was stung in the inside lip by a bee that was hiding inside her can! (That will teach her to finish her drinks) The bee sting was not funny but her reaction was....
Anyway she was fine...So on to the next part of the story.....THE BIRD!
They left the camp in Elizabeth's 2006 suzuki forenza around 6:45 pm and around 7 pm Brittany calls me and says they are coming back because they were hit by a bird. She wasn't crying or anything and then hangs up. I tell my husband and he is like what do you mean she wa**** by a bird? SO I call her but she quickly tells me they will be at the site in 2 minutes
and we head out to the road. When they pull up Brittany gets out of the car and she is red in the face and Elizabeth is
heaving and gagging, They proceed to tell us they were driving with the windows down and a bird (pigeon) flew in the window and hit the right side of Brittany's face. They pulled over when it happened and a nice guy pulled the bird out of the car....When we look in the car there is bird guts and blood and feathers everywhere, front eat and the back seat. The inside of the car looked like someone had been shot. Now I know it was sad the bird died but it is so bizaar
that this could happen. So of course the jokes started, Like Hey Brittany who knew you had a face to stop a bird in its tracks...
or aren't you kinda old to be learning about the birds and the bees?
I am sorry but it was just too funny and weird. Brittany is fine and is a good sport about the jokes, Elizabeth's car is now clean because milk does wonders on blood and she is no longer gagging when she gets in her car thanks to febreese! We are very grateful no one was injured although Brittany has a pretty bruise on her face.....
Hugs, Chris