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How terrible is a root canal?
I am lucky I suppose that in almost 55 years I have never needed one.....until now
I have an abscess that luckily has not been giving me any problem....so we don't know how long it's been there and it needs to be taken care of.
I have an appointment next Wednesday to get it done.
So....what am I in for? I am a big baby and hate stuff like this

Hi Ronna,
I've had 2 root canals and with that comes crowns as well. The whole process is pretty painless. You do get a sore jaw & neck from keeping your mouth open a long time but the dentist gives you "mini" breaks. The area is sore afterwards but not for long. My dentist gave me antibiotics afterwards because I always get an infection from them. Your nerves are worse than the actual procedure. Let us know how it goes.

Hey Ronna:
I cannot believe that I HAVE had one! I am a little anal about my teeth. When I was really young, though, I had a lot of fillings and one crumbled without my knowledge (it was 25 years old!). Because of that, I needed a root canal last year.
Now, I am the biggest dentist wuss in the world (next to my Mom) but I have to say that the root canal was no big deal. You should know that, if it is one of your upper teeth that needs one, you will need a shot in the roof of your mouth. That really does hurt...but only for a moment. Then you won't feel anything else!
Good luck!
Love and hugs,
Thanks you guys
I feel better now. It is in an upper molar that is already crowned. The dentist will go right throught he crown and then cover it with a white filling. Still sounds yucky to me.
He did schedule me for 45 minutes so you are right that it will take some time to do. At least it will be over soon.
Thanks for the info.
Sending hugs,

Get the drugs and you will be fine.
A funny story ... in another life when I was a working professional, I was on a trip to Tijuana, Mex. While there my tooth shattered, resulting in a terrible amount of pain and drama. My options were to fly home or stay, finish business and get a root canal in TJ. I got the root canal there in a totally modern facility with a doc that practices on both sides of the boarder. He was a peraonal friend of my business hosts. The cost of the root canal $200.00. Subsequently, I had one done a few years ago and the cost was$1500 here in TX. Crazy huh?
God Bless!