Anyone see Hairspray?
Chris, I went to see it the day it came it. I loved it, too! It was wonderful. John/Edna was the funniest.
Today I went to see "No Reservations" w/ Catherine Zeta-Jones. It was great, too. It's more of a chick flick than Hairspray, but a lot of men were there w/ their wives, probably to see her act!
She is a good actress. I am looking forward to seeing it. My husband loved Hairspray too and today I went out and bought the soundtrack and am listening to it right now. I think it could cause my kids not to come home because of course I sing to it too.
Still keeping my fingers crossed for your blood work to come out ok. I also sent in my appeal letter for plastics and am waiting for the reply. Good luck!
Hugs, Chris

Hey Chris:
I know it is silly, but there are two actors in the world whose movies I will never, ever go see because, for some strange reason, I have complete animosity for them. They are John Travolta and Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise I detest because of his ramblings about "only weak people take anti-depressants." I disliked J.T. long before he publicly agreed with Tom Cruise about the drugs. I saw an interview with him and his wife once. Anytime the interviewer asked Kelly a question, John cut her off and would not let her speak. It was infuriating to watch and I have disliked him ever since.
So, um, plans to see the movie.
Glad you enjoyed it, though!