Thanks for birthday wishes!!
Hi all~ just wanted to drop in and say thanks to those of you who wished me a happy birthday. April~ no, no cake or ice cream. I get really sick from ice cream and they had angel food cake for me today at work. I went to Valleyfair (like 6 flaggs) and rode almost all the big rides. Walked enough for two workouts with Cal and had a great day! Just wondering is anyone going to be in Vegas between Sept 20-23rd? Cal and I are going to take a small vacation out there and thought if anyone was going to be there we could meet! Well time for bed. I am pooped. First day back since last thursday and have to work both jobs tomorrow. Then went to the gym and ran 2 miles and did 60 crunches on the bench. Need to get rid of my tummy!!!!
Hope you have a great day tomorrow and will be thinking about you since i more than likely wont be on!!!