Silly me....
My kids and hubby wanted to go see Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix today because it opened around here at 12 Midnight. Needless to say at midnight we were at the theatre. It was showing on 15 screens and sold out in every room. It was a good movie but I don't think I will stay up again to watch a movie at that time. I am too old for this. Now I am dragging my butt. Anyone else going to see Harry Potter?
Hugs, Chris
Hi Tori thanks for asking....We are still having problems with him emotionally...No more threats of suicide but we are dealing with anger issues stemming from his rejection from others....He really is a good kid but I am not positive we have the right diagnosis for him and are seeing the psycologist every 2 weeks. Hopefully things will start improving. I hope by keeping us with him at all times and showing him how much he is loved will make him see he is worth fighting for. But he thinks we treat him like a baby because now we don't trust him alone. I keep telling him it is because of what he said and how much we love him....Catch 22 right. Hope you are healing well from your plastics....Hugs, Chris