Whatcha eat on Saturday?
I have had a really busy Saturday at home. I've done 2 loads of laundry and am working on several more of curtains, drapes, etc. from some rooms we're remodeling. My son has scraped the popcorn off the ceiling in my bedroom, both bathrooms, and the hallway to the bedrooms. We cleaned up the floors from that and ripped up the carpet and padding from my bedroom. Next week we're going to re-texture the ceilings, paint them, paint my closet, and lay a wood parquet floor in my bedroom and closet. That should be good exercise. I also made 2 buttermilk pies, 1 strawberry pound cake w/ strawberry glaze, and 2 chocolate sheath cakes for a family gathering tomorrow. My mom said I had to make the desserts, so I did!
Kitchen is clean, and I'm going to go rip up carpet tack and baseboards in my bedroom. Then I have to do a pedicure and manicure. I'll be busy all night!
On the menu:
S: 1 c LF buttermilk
B: 1/5 eggs
S: protein coffee
L: tuna
D: not sure; some kind of meat and beans from freezer!
S: cottage cheese or something, maybe more protein coffee
vitamins: done
exercise: cooking, washing dishes, and cleaning up floors, hauling out carpet, etc.
liquids: 88 oz. so far, more to go
protein: 90 or so grams
Wow, Karla! What a lot of remodeling. We are doing ours a little at a time. How did your visit with Dr. W go yesterday?
Here's my menu so far for the day:
B: Achieve One Protein drink
L: Egg, Potato & Cheese taquito (minus the tortilla)
S: South Beach Protein Bar
D: Hubby is cooking this week so we will probably order something in here in a bit (LOL).
Hey Lisa. How are you feeling? Hope you're okay. My appt. w/ Dr. W was fine. I didn't realize it was my pre-op. I thought they'd make me come back the week before surgery. I have to order new compression garments. The ones I used for lipo are loose on the bottom and legs, so they told me to get smaller ones. I went to the blood bank and gave a unit of my blood, and will go back next Saturday and give one more in case I need it. I reserved a hotel room for 3 nights starting the day of surgery for my son and husband and I'll stay there also night 2 or 3, depending on how long I stay in the facility. He's doing mine at HealthSouth Surgery Ctr. in the medical ctr. since it's cheaper and I'm paying cash. That's where I had my lipo.
Let me know how your progressing in your recovery. I hope you're doing okay so far. When do you go back to see Dr. W?
I'll be really honest and say the last couple of days have been kind of rough. Physically I feel fine. My swelling has gotten a little worse yesterday and today and my pubic area is horribly swollen. (I've gone so far as to post a couple of whiny posts over on the plastics board in honor of my pity party). I can live with all the swelling and itching and whatnot, but that final indignity of swelling through the crotchless garment is my undoing right now. I haven't hit the "what have I done" stage, because I know that this needed to be done for my physical and mental health. But I certainly am questioning any additional procedures I might have thought about - LOL.
I had my visit on Friday morning with Dr. W and got the stitches out around my belly button (which is pretty cute, if I say so - even with all the swelling). I still have all four drains in, but have to report back in to Chelsea on Monday the drainage amounts and then I have a visit with her on Thursday to get at least 2 (pray hard, Karla, for all 4) to come out. My next visit will be the following Thursday when Dr. W is back in to get my stitches removed. He said that all my incisions were looking great - no infection and no separation.
Did they tell you that he only uses the Stage 1 compression garments? And a little tip for you -- only order the tan/nude color. For some reason (and Chelsea even verified this for me) the black colors are tighter than the nudes -- to the point of being uncomfortable. I asked about a Stage 2 garment, but he said that the Stage 2's are essentially a waste of money. He likes for us to wear the Stage 1 for six weeks and after that it's up to our own comfort level as to what, if anything, we wear.
I had my surgery done at Memorial Hermann
Lisa...hopefully some of that swelling will go down. I've seen lot's of people on the PS messageboard post about the crotch area swelling a lot. I bet that goes down in a week or so. You'll be glad you went through it in the long run. Remember for future surgeries, you should have gotten the worst one over with first. That is what I have told myself...this one will be the worst, arms and breasts shouldn't be as bad of recovery. I wondered if Chelsea was checking you or what next week. She had said Dr. W was going to be gone. I will cross my fingers that ALL your drains come out next Thursday.
I have just nude color compression garments in the other 2 I have. That's what I'll order this time around, too. He made me wear them 6 weeks after the Lipo. Seems like I just got out of them. After a while when the swelling goes down, you get kind of used to them. The only thing I didn't like was the fact it didn't go up quite as far as the Lipo in a Box I wear every day. It didn't squash the little fat blob right below my bra line for tighter fitting shirts. I'll have that little fat blob after the LBL, because he didn't think he'd be able to get it until we do breasts this next year.
Keep me posted on how your doing. It sounds like overall, your doing pretty good recovery wise. I hope the swelling starts going down soon.
I KNOW the swelling will eventually go down -- just seems like it's been really bad the last few days. And like I said, if it weren't for that ONE area, it would all be tolerable, you know? But I'm just being a big old whiny baby this weekend, I guess. Good thing my hubby loves me because I've been really unloveable the last day or so.
I have also heard that the LBL and the thighs are the 2 most extensive surgeries in terms of recouping. I only had 2 areas that I wanted done -- the tummy and the boobs. I can live with my arms and thighs (although Restalyne might be an option for those crows feet in the future, right? LOL).
I am so short, plus I am short-waisted that the compression garments not only go up to right under the bust, but I have to actually fold the tops over once they are hooked and zipped and that is pretty uncomfortable because it makes that area so much tighter and creases the skin underneath so that it itches horribly. I ordered one nude and one black on the advice of the saleslady since she said that the black hid the stains a little better. I count the hours, though, until I can put that nude one back on when I wa**** because the difference between the two - even in the same exact size - is amazing.
You are correct -- overall I am feeling pretty good and the recovery is going well. I just have to keep reminding myself to take it one day at a time and that each irritation is normal and will eventually go away.
When is your LBL? Mid-July, right?

Karla, you're gonna pass out by the end of the night! I wish I had the desire to do things like that. I'm sitting at work...kinda slow right now but we're getting a really sick patient soon. I'm sure we'll be hopping! Here's my menu:
salad w/turkey n cheese rollup
2 c. popcorn, cereal and milk a lil while later
chicken sausage w/biscuit
25g New Whey vial
Burger King patty, 1/2 bun, some onion rings
100 cal pack Sun Chips
1 hot dog, 1/2 potato bun, some baked beans
Carbs called me allllllll daaaayyyy! I packed good stuff tonight and plenty of it if I decide to get the munchies later. I was doing sooo good with carbs too

Hey Karla
You had a super busy day yesterday. I'm getting Kristina ready for camp so I ran around all day yesterday but last night, relaxed with friends.
I'm late but here's my menu filled with junk eating.
B~1 egg scrambled with ham and cheese, grits and 1/2 slice of toast
S~ 1/4 C. bear naked granola
L~ McDonalds double cheeseburger.. no bun
S~ Handful of teddy grahms
S~ Grapes
D~ Hotdog topped with chili and slaw.. no bun. Oh, and about 6 fries lol
S~ Handful of teddy Grahms
S~ Handful of chocolate covered rasins.. gave me the shakes then
I also had a couple adult beverages.
I ate junk BUT last night we swam all night long so, I worked it off.. hopefully