Kinda Freakin' Out....Suggestions!
Hi guys! For my ByPass I had studied and researched for over a year and a half. Now that I have less than a wee****il my skin removal I am feeling unprepared... even though I know exactly what is going to happen. Of course I'll know more tomorrow at the Pre-Op... but still.
Can anyone share some ideas on what I need or should do before? I've upped my protein and started watching what I'm eating with the B2b... down 4 pounds might I add
But everything is just swirling.
I'm worried that it'll be painful- duh lol. I'm worried that he'll mess up and I'll look bad. I know that's totally wrong of me... I should be happy to rid myself of the skin... but my biggest concern is how I'll look! When I had the bypass, I honestly didn't care if I woke u*****t... isn't that sad? Now, I have plans... I wanna be able to wear skimpy stuff he he. I am not worried about scars though... am I just strange?
Ok, enough of the questions... can anyone offer me some insight?

Hey jaci,
I can totally understand your feelings... To me its not even on the same level of feelings. When I had WLS i didnt even consider not having the surgery after I finally had decided to have it. I needed it so badly to just live and go on in life that that was all there was to it. But I have had different feelings about plastic surgery for me personally. I have an appointment for August 14th in atl and I tell ya it probably wouldnt take much to talk me out of it. I dont feel that I have to live to have plastics where I did feel that way with WLS. I am having mixed emotions about it and have done decided that if ins doesnt kick in and pay I just wont have it done and I know that with the $$ amounts it cost now days. I wish I could help you with your questions but havent had that experience yet.Maybe its the old huge person talking to my head about how I dont deserve it or something??? Who knows??? But I can say I need it desperately. My stomach hangs all the way in front of my privates and that alone should be enough for me to want it. But guess shaking that old feelings of how we dont deserve things hangs around still even after almost a year and a half out. Head games are hard to get rid of. Ive never been a vanity type of person and being nearly 400 lbs gave me alot less of a reason to feel good about myself so just have to let it sink in I guess... Because I know I have worked my butt off ( sags to lol) and I have amazing sagging and hanging skin everywhere and should be happy with this decision. Its not just vanity its medically needed. So best of luck to you and you will do amazing. You deserve it!!
Hugs marge
It is normal to freak out, at least you only have to for a week instead of months of freaking out.
If you take the pain medication you will be able to handle the pain, is he going to tighten the muscles ?
As far as the scar goes mine is already fading quit nicely, just look at your bypass scars and think in a year the new ones will fade like that.
I have upped my protien again my next surgery is in two weeks on my last I upped the protien for about two week's before and two week's after, I also got some arnica montania from the health food store it helps with swelling and bruising I heard about it on the plastic surgery site, Have you read anything there the people there are so helpful and funny also....
Jaci...are you having a TT, panni removal, or lower body lift? Don't freak out, just get all your protein together. Make sure you have a recliner to sleep in, preferably a lift chair to help you get up and down easier. You'll be just fine. Everyone says if you keep up the pain meds, you'll be okay, that's it's just really hard to get up and down. Also, you don't have much energy or strength for a few months. My lbl is in 29 days. I'm ready for it. I have so much extra skin that I have to have it come off, even though I have to pay for it. HOping for the legs and breasts by next summer, if not sooner. Best wishes for your recovery. Relax, get everything bought you need to recover, and take a deep breath. You'll be really glad you had it done.
I understand how you feel, Jaci.... before WLS I was the same way.. I wanted the surgery didn't worry if I lived or not.... But now with PS I'm like ..what if I die during surgery??? I'm finally thinner and enjoying life only to lose it all because I want to have a flat stomach and boobs that are where they're supposed to that just a selfish surgery??? the answer is NO it's not selfish we deserve to be happy with our bodies and that means some surgery to help with skin that won't go away no matter how much we exercise. You've done such a great job on your journey..this is just one more step. Try not to worry...I'm sure you've checked your Dr. and seen his work on other patients. Keep your chin up
all will go well!

Hey Miss Jaci! I just replied to your e-mail a little while ago, but I'll address you here, also.
There really isn't anything you can do to prepare mentally for this, it's just like the decision to have the original wls in the first place. You know what's going to happen, but I do understand it's the fear of the unknown that works at your mind. It did to me, too. My surgeons told me to keep my protein up all the way through the surgeries, both the wls all the way through the plastics, since I KNEW going in that I would have to have some at some point. I have had my total protein around 100 grams per day for the last year or so.
Remember, also (the hard part) that you WILL NOT see the results you expect at any point right after surgery. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for the swelling to go down. I kept reminding myself of that from the very beginning so that when I saw my body for the first time (which was today) I wouldn't break down and cry LOL.
You will do just fine, Jaci. I am positive and will pray it for you.
Not sure if it is possible for you, but don't think of the surgery, visualize yourself after everything is done. Go to the stores and see the clothes you are going to be able to wear. Imagine what your stomach is going to look like too. That is what I did for WLS, imagined what I would be like when the weight was gone. I never worried about the surgery because of this. Even my dreams were of me being healthy and skinny. That is about all I can offer. I haven't had PS and not sure I will ever get to have it. So look at it that way too, you are getting that finaly part of your journey that some of us wont get, so don't worry, be happy.
Jaci, congrats on your new journey! I'm so jealous!!! If anyone tells you it won't be painful...they're lying! It's friggin surgery! But, like'll get through it with perserverance and you'll be so glad that you did it. I would say make sure you keep up with your protein as much as you can postop. I'm sure you'll be fine, girl. So happy for you. I should be looking into my breast augmentation really soon for October, so even if it's different surgeries I'll have some questions for you! If you don't mind me your insurance paying for your procedure?