Guess I know why I dont come back......
I read your post yesterday, I have started my plastics so I couldn't relate however it was wrong of me not to give you encouragement. Please forgive me for being insensative (sp)
I thing we that have reached goal feel the same about when we are going to stop loosing and once you do get plastics your body image improves lot's maybe you can just get you panni removed that isn't to much and then when you look in the mirror you see a nice flat stomach ?
Suzette, I am sorry no one rsaponded to your post yesterday. I saw the title and really just skimmed what you wrote but I am not flaming nor am I going to sugar coat what I feel. I understand you being sad regarding no one responding to YOUR post but where is YOUR response to OUR posts? Why do you feel you deserve encouragement when you are not there to encourage everyone else? Some people come on here (not you) and post every now and then and want us all to fall over them with praise and yet not once do they respond to our ups and downs....This is just my honest opinion and I am sorry if someone gets offend from this....
Hugs and I still wish you well....Please come back to give and get from this great group of women...And sometimes men....
If you get lonely or need support my state board is one hot board!!
It's the Alabama board and they are HOT! So supportive and prayerful and post, post, post. It's one busy supportive board. And no one flames anyone either.
I just LOVE them! I've met most of them. We have 2 annual cook-outs where everyone brings a dish and we fellowship. One in April in Birmingham and the other in September in Montgomery (Luverne). Now we may do 3 with the third this year at my house!!! We also do dinners once a month at different restaurants but some are so far from me that I don't get to do many. I did enjoy one last weekend.
It is so great to have met these people who offer such strong daily support. But most of all I am so blessed to have them in my life for continued daily support.
I love OH! They ROCK!!!