Back to Basics - June 12, 2007
Good morning!
Another lovely day of the B2B. Something happened today that I am not too happy about. I did NOT lose a lb overnight. That is the first time this has happened since I started the B2B. Strangely enough, I also exercised yesterday. So, hmm...maybe I should kick the exercise habit so I can lose weight. Hee hee. J/K.
Anyhow...the beauty is...even though I did not lose a lb, I am still motivated. This is the first time I have continued on the B2B even when I did not lose (normally I would give up and pig out). So this is a good thing!
So here is my menu plan for today...
Breakfast: 3 oz. chicken
Snack: New-Whey Protein Vial
Lunch: 3 oz. chicken
Snack: New-Whey Protein Vial
Dinner: Lentils
Anyhow, totals will be **approximately**...
619 /14 / 15 / 105
Water: None so far but I will definitely drink at least 50 oz (of water) and God knows how much Diet Coke!
Vitamins: Check!
Exercise: Maybe. I ran around the park with my son last night and then played football and frisbee with my husband when we got home. I may do that again tonight.
Have a great day everyone!
Jersey Mom
I did not so great yesterday but I will do so much better today.
I had a couple of crunchy snacks, the thing I am trying to avoid but not as much as before, this is what I had Monday.
sf latte
1/2 cup of chicken saled
small bag of pretzles
handful of almonds
1/4 bag of corn nuts
Good evening.....I am struggling here with my health...Not really sure what is going on but hopefully they can figure it out. The pain in my stomach went away for a few days and has come back.....sometimes worse than others! I am moving my bowels (TMI) so who knows. Today I went to pick my son up from school and all of a sudden I wa**** with this huge wave of nausea and had to vomit in my car garbage can..Yuke made it home and was feeling better and it hit me again a little while later...So I have had little to eat today....
coffee protein 40gr
1/2 c cottaGE CHEESE with strawberries
sf jello with strawberries and ff whip topping
4 corn chips...
23 oz water
all vitamins
no exercise!
Hugs Chris
Hey Jersey
I did good earlier with my eating but splurged a little tonight for my mom's birthday. I didn't over do it so I'm good.
Here's my menu..
Breakfast: Protein shake
Snack: Carb/Sugar control yogart
Lunch: Pure protein bar & grapes
Dinner: Ground beef, cheese, kidney beans, onions, sour cream and salsa on lettuce & 5 tortilia chips.
Snack: very small peice of carrot cake and 1/4 c. NSA vanilla ice cream
Off to bed..