I'm Moving!
Now that's the best news that I've heard all day
Girl, I am so excited for you!!!!! You and Tommy are such a cute couple and I KNOW you guys will be fine. Load Petunia up with all your stuff and hit the road!!!!
First start with what you use the most then take the other stuff. You can always come back for more later.

Congrats to you Jaci. WE need to meet before you leave. Here you live just down the road and have we met yet?? Jimmy Crickets!!! Okay, so I am off from work till July so let's make a point to meet. I can do next Tuesday if that is okay with you? Let me know, here is my email [email protected] and we'll exchange phone numbers and arrange to meet.
I am excited for you, it's a courageous move on your part. I hope all works out for you. You are going to LA so check out their Salvation Army stores for stuff like couches and tables, also they have great places there to buy things at a very good price.
Just remember to pack the toilet paper last cause it's the first thing you'll need. Pack the essentials and I am sure your parents and his will help you out with the rest. Best thing if you throw a party and people want to give housewarming gifts...ask for Gift Certs like at Target, Walmart and Pier 1 cause they will go a long way...also IKEA is cool place to get some neat stuff.
Boxes, go to Walmart, Best Buy, Target anywhere they sell like Computers and TV's, those are the best boxes to get. One thing to save on like newspapers, what I have used to pack things is my clothes, I just wrap my breakables in clothes like jackets, sweaters and stuff...you get to pack everything that way without extra crap to throw away later.
What part of LA you moving to? I wish you all the best...do email me, lets get together before you go.