Back to Basics - June 9, 2007
Good afternoon, everyone!
I started this thread in case anyone is good this weekend. There is no way I can measure my eating today because I have eaten like crap.
And do you know what is so stupid about all this? I felt SO MUCH better during the week than I do today. Last night I had a RATHER large piece of D.Q. no sugar added ice cream cake. It made me sooooo sick. It was so not worth it.
Today my MIL made one of my favorite breakfasts. No idea what it is but it is very doughy and has onions and some other crunchy spice in it (sounds gross but it is heavenly with ketchup). I did not think it could be ALL that bad but then I saw the packet that she makes it from. I looked at the nutritional content and almost passed out! There were 5 servings in one packet. Each serving had 350 KCALS and 78 gr. carbs!! Now...lemme know if I am wrong here. But isn't 350 KCALS equivalent to 350,000 calories? How can that BE?!?
Anyhow...I had it again for lunch. Hee hee. I did not have a lot...but enough.
After lunch I had a huge handful of my peanut butter pretzels that I was craving all week. And, again, I feel so sick now. I am such an idiot. My husband is taking me to Jose Tejas tonight but, aside from that, no more food for me. And back to the B2B tomorrow. I just FEEL better on it...even though I am starving!
So...I am still holding at 163. I am very lucky about that since I had the cake last night. After today I am sure I will be 164 or 165. I hope not but we'll see. But is B2B for me!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

I think when we refer to calories, we are actually referring to KCals. By the proper definition, it should be KCals, but nutrition charts or such are universally called just calories. Sounds like your package is using the proper unit of measurement, but yes, you are eatting "350 calories" like you think you are. If not, you would be eatting approximately 10 lbs of energy (or fat) if you are eatting 35,000 calories. I hope this makes sense.--I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Select last night.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Hello and happy weekend....
I continue to have stress in my life which makes it difficult to follow a proper food schedule but here is what I ate today....It was just a little but I am not hungry....
Coffee protein 40 gr
small handful of cashews
1 cheese stick
1 small banana
1 bottle of isopure protein drink.....
I did loads of spring cleaning so I hope it counts for exercise?
Hugs Chris
Hey Jersey..
I eat horrible on Saturdays. I don't know why I do it. I have so much self control durning the week but when Saturday comes, I just eat whatever.
Then i have the nerve to fuss about the scale not moving
On The Menu
Breakfast: Nothing
Snack: handful of grapes
Snack: 1 graham cracker and few more grapes
Lunch: 1 c. of chili sprinkled w/ cheese and 1/2 a peice of corn bread
Snack: 1 sugar cookie
Dinner: 4 hot wings, 2 meatballs and 2 deviled eggs
Snack: 100 cal pack of oreo cookies
Snack: 1 small peach
I should be ashamed of myslelf!!!!!!!!!