Back to Basics - June 6, 2007
Good morning!
Okay...this B2B stuff bites the big one. It truly does. But it has its benefits. Last weekend I ate like a pre-op. I mean...I pigged out. As a result, I gained weight (naturally). I was up to 171
! That was the weight I stared the B2B at just three days ago. This morning I stepped on the scale and....166.6! Is that unreal or WHAT? I am shocked, to say the least...but, by God, at least my suffering is paying off!!
Here is today's menu
Breakfast: 3 oz. chicken
Snack: New-Whey Protein Vial
Lunch: 3 oz. chicken
Snack: New-Why Protein Vial
Dinner: This will be my challenge for the day. I am going out to eat with my sister but I SOO do not want to cheat. We will, most likely, end up at Outback. I am assuming their tiny lobster tails are about 3 oz. each (I will get two) so I am figuring about 6 oz of lobster...we'll see.
My totals will be approximately...
711 /17 / 2 / 131
Water: None so far but I will definitely drink at least 50 oz (of water) and God knows how much Diet Coke!
Vitamins: Check!
Exercise: Again, no. And I won't be doing any again today, either. I have work and then I am going out.
Hope everyone is doing GREAT!
Love and hugs,
Jersey Mom

a few bites of chicken and 1/2 of cottage cheese for lunch
1/4 almonds
2 cheese sticks
1/4 cup cottage cheese & some chicken
I know I shouldn't have the Latte's,however I am still proud of myself for staying away from the crunchy carbs..........
I lost two pounds since Monday!!!
Today was difficult for me. I have a difficult time at work because there is so much food and I have to feed the kids.
Breakfast: Atkins Bar and fat free milk
Snack: Chicken Jerky and Cheese
Lunch: Chicken salad
Snack: Turkey and cheese
Dinner: Chicken salad/ cheese and lettuce also had a 2 dill pickles
I just had a little ice cream
that was sugar free but still not a great choice
Decaf coffee with skim milk and splenda
latte with skim milk and splenda
Vitamins: Half done..i forgot to bring them to work
Water: Getting there
Im hoping to not put anything else in my mouth tonight besides water.

Hi Jersey...Good job on your back to basics.....
I weighed in yesterday at 137 lbs so that means I dropped 2 lbs since Monday....
Here is my menu for yesterday...
protein coffee (40 gr)
1 hamburger meat only
sugar free jello
1 slice of medium thickness ham,
small amount of raost beef.
1tsp seafood salad
1 small bowl of fruit
1 coffee with protein 40 gr
1 small slice of graduation cake
I did walk for 1 mile though....
Hugs Chris