Update on me and Baby Faith
I had an appointment with my high risk OB today. As with every appointment at her office, I had a level II ultrasound. Can I just tell you my girl is BEAUTIFUL, not that I am partial in any way. She is growing perfectly and evidently growing lots of hair. The tech showed us the picture of her hair then commented that she has as much hair in-utero as Gracie currently has. She weighs about 4 pounds 10 ounces and my due date is one week ahead of schedule (back to my original date) according to her measurements. If they would have used this date, all that Down syndrome crap would have been avoided.
Gracie went with us today. She is just the sweetest kid. Her and daddy sat on a chair beside my bed. When I was having the ultrasound, she put her hand out and said
"mama, I hold you hand, you be ok" she repeated this or a similar version of it throughout the procedure as she held my hand off and on. She has the sweetest heart I have ever seen, she makes me melt sometimes.
I have gained nearly 30 pounds - but my baby is healthy and growing so I will go back to basics after she is born and I have my milk well established. The doctor is not concerned about my weight; she did not even mention it. She just wants me to make sure I am getting my protein to control my blood sugar levels. I had gestational diabetes with Grace.
Well, that is the update, I am going to bed - night night y'all!
God Bless,
Thanks Ronna, nn my charts, the date is 7/14/07. My original date was 7/7/7. I am going to ask my doc if we could schedule and inductionthe first week of July. With all my kids and having to arrange childcare while I am giving birth and in the hospital, it would be more convenient if she would schedule it for me. That way I will not be chance having to call someone at 3am!