Low Blood Pressure
Hiya Ladies
I had my physical today for my job and my blood pressure was 90/40. The LPN that took the pressure kept stressing about how low that was. Kinda scared me. Then the DR. came in and said it's low but not bad! She said as long as I don't feel like I'm gonna pass out, I'm ok. A couple times this weekend I did get a dizzy feeling when I stood up to fast. Last week at my appointment with my pcp, she said my blood pressure was low but not bad (don't remember what it was then).
What do you think about 90/40?? Should I call my pcp and tell her?? I'm a liitle worried. Has anybody else had issues with low blood pressure post op??
April, your a nurse.. whatcha think??

Hi Kay,
My blood pressure since surgery has been between 60/40 to 66/45. The nurse only asked the first time she took it after surgery if that was my normal blood pressure. I said, well...nooo before surgery it was 140/90...but I'll take 60/40 now! I do get dizzy in the mornings if I stand up to fast...but once I eat something I'm fine. The Dr. said it was ok as long as I feel ok.
Hey girl. 90/40 is on the low side but not abnormal in a healthy person. That's great! Pressures like that make your life longer and decreases your risk of heart disease. For black women, that's EXTREMELY important since heart disease is so prevalent. Now...as for Anna, 60/40 is VERY low. Not even a very healthy person should have that blood pressure. I don't know what kind of doctor would say that it is okay, especially if someone's previous pressure was in the 140's. For anyone....a blood pressure that low is not normal and it should be checked out or at least monitored closely!