My brother/ A job
Good Morning
It's after 3 am and I cant sleep so I jumped online to see what's going on and share some good news!
I finally got a job!!!!!
I have been on so many interviews, I feel like I'm qualified to give a class on them. I faxed from 2 to 5 resumes a week and had at least 2 to 3 interviews a week since I've been here. I got the job at the Medical University Hospital of South Carolina (MUSC). I'll be on the 6th floor and that floor is known as the Gastric Bypass floor because that's where all the wls patients go. Actually all post op of any surgerys go there but majority of the patients that are sent there are wls patients. They are extending the hospital in October and that floor will be only for wls patients. I hope to transfer there! MUSC is a teaching school and love to help employees go back to school. So, I'm definantly going back for LPN or RN.
My dad jokes about him having to have a stroke in order for me to get a job because if it wasn't for me talking to his nurse everyday, I wouldn't of gotten this. MUSC is very hard to get into. God works in mysterious ways!
Ok on to my brother, Kevin...
Kevin is my second oldest brother and he is close to 500 lbs. now. I have been talking to him about wls when I started looking into the surgery but he said he was scared. He has done nothing but gain weight since then. Well the past month, he keeps asking me questions about the surgery and I don't pressure him, Just answer his questions. I keep suggesting to him that I call Vocational Rehab. since he doesn't have any insurance. They paid for entire surgery and testing. So, the other day I was telling him about my job and he said, "maybe one day, I'll have surgery and be a patient on your floor". I said, " let me call VR for you" and he said, "ok"!! So, I called VR and first they said no, they dont pay for the surgery but I kept talking to her and told her how they paid for mine and she said, ok and give him an appointment for Today!! I am so excited for my brother. He is misrible now. He is exactly where I was pre op. Walking is hard for him, standing for long is hard. He has bad sleep apnea and his legs are always swollen. Kevin is such an outgoing person but now all he does is work and sleep. He is a general manager at a Taco Bell so that's what his diet consist of. I can tell that standing at work is getting pretty impossible for him.
Anyway, Please keep my brother in your thoughts and prayers!!! I have heard that VR is gonna stop paying for this surgery soon. I hope they will help him! He needs this!
I guess I yapped long enough.. Thanks for listening
Love yall,

Congrats Kay! That is wonderful! I started a job hunt this week and have received come call backs, but nothing too serious... its weird, though. Once I started the hunt, I have been getting more hours at Jack! Ironic! LOL
I'll keep your brother in my thoughts and prayers... being in the fast food industry and trying to keep your diet sane is TOUGH! Good luck to him AND you!