Jersey Kid Update and Roll Call!
Good morning!
Since I am here early today I will do a roll call...
But first...thank you EVERYONE for inquiring how Jersey Kid is doing. He is actually doing better. His mouth is still a mess. He has several sores on his lips and on his tongue and his gums are still swollen but he is not as grumpy so that is my sign of improvement.
I, myself, never really get cold sores or canker sores but I have a cold sore in the corner of my mouth (where my two lips meet) and I have a canker sore on my mouth and my tongue...OUCH! So I guess I caught a little of what he has. This is a good thing, though, because it hurts too much to eat .
And, now, roll call...
1. What is the silliest thing that you have spent money on recently?
2. What is the most extravagant thing you have spent money on recently?
3. If you are not at goal, do you have a time frame for when you would like to get there? If so, when is that?
4. Do you have any vacation plans this summer? If so, what are they?
5. If there is another Jan '06 reunion, do you plan on attending?
Well, not the most stimulating of questions but that was all I could come up with today! I hope everyone has a wonderful, wonderful day!
Jersey Mom

Good Morning
I'm happy to hear that Jersey Kid is doing better.
My answers...
1. What is the silliest thing that you have spent money on recently?
* I bought a battery operated marshmellow roaster at a yard sale for $1.00, Saturday.
Everybody laughed at me for buying it but it's cute and it's brand new in the box. its a long handle with 4 prongs sticking out of it. You push the button to make the prongs spin in the fire. Now isn't that a hoot??
2. What is the most extravagant thing you have spent money on recently?
*Nothing at all lately
3. If you are not at goal, do you have a time frame for when you would like to get there? If so, when is that?
*I want to get there before my 2 year surgiversary. It's only 13 lbs but I've been this same weight since January. I need to get my lazy butt up and exercise
4. Do you have any vacation plans this summer? If so, what are they?
* I'm going to a family reunion in Tennessee in july.
5. If there is another Jan '06 reunion, do you plan on attending?
*Yes I do plan on it. That's something we need to start talking about. I hate waiting for the last minute to do things.

Robin I am so glad your son is feeling better and pray everyday gets better for him.
I am doing well.. so much better what a difference. I am not up to where I need to be as far as food and liquids go but I am 3 weeks out from surgery and trying to learn to do all this stuff again. i have no appetite and truthfully could never eat or drink. But I know I have to so I do.. the best news is I am not vomiting everyday and the pain is gone and I can sleep. I am walking everyday and hope by June 8th to be released to do other things so I can get my new house in order!
I have been getting car sick since surgery but that is getting better and Dr. Freeman called me in some patches that I stick behind my ear and they work for 3 days.
Anyway.. here goes
1. What is the silliest thing that you have spent money on recently?I can't think of anything silly I've bought recently.. sorry
2. What is the most extravagant thing you have spent money on recently?paint. Lots of it. We have painted most every room in our new house. Besides that my DH got me a Yorkie, I named him Milo about 5 months ago. DH got him for me because I was sick he is such a loving dog.
3. If you are not at goal, do you have a time frame for when you would like to get there? If so, when is that?I don't have a time frame right now I just want to get to where my surgeon wants me to be at as far as food and liquids are. I'm not starving but I feel like a newbie!
4. Do you have any vacation plans this summer? If so, what are they?To see my sister and BIL. We (my DH, and kids) and her and her DH take the same vacation in July. They live in San Diego, CA and I live in Al. We go visit my MawMaw and stay a week. Chris my BIL has been called back to Iraq for his 3rd tour of duty there. He is a marine and I pray we see him before he goes.
5. If there is another Jan '06 reunion, do you plan on attending?If I can afford it. We owe so much in medical stuff as my home healthcare was only covered at 50%.
It will work out though. I am just praising God I lived to work the bills out!
Have a great day Everyone. I am going to walk the dogs. They give me about a 45 minute workout!!

Good morning:
Here are my own answers....
1. What is the silliest thing that you have spent money on recently?
-- Well, I have not done it yet but I am putting more than serious consideration into colorizing my iPod. See...I put a screen protector on my iPod (a clear, thin, plastic adhesive sheet) and the protector got gunky (thanks Jersey Kid!) so I took it off. The screen now has a slight film over it from the adhesive...making it hard to watch movies and videos on it in certain lighting conditions. A place called Colorwave said that their coating might fix the problem...and it will color the whole unit, as well. So my white iPod Video may become pink in a few weeks. Such a waste of money, right?
2. What is the most extravagant thing you have spent money on recently?
-- An iPod for my sister's 40th birthday. I bought her a customized pink one.
3. If you are not at goal, do you have a time frame for when you would like to get there? If so, when is that?
-- I am not at goal yet although I should be...I was only 4 lbs away a month ago! Grrr. I am now 9 lbs away. My initial goal was to get to my ideal body weight (160) by my 18-month surgiversary. That date is July 30th. DEFINITELY doable!
However, I have decided I would like to hit 150 by my birthday on June 24th. That is so NOT doable but that is my unrealistic goal for now, anyway!
4. Do you have any vacation plans this summer? If so, what are they?
-- I am taking my annual mini-break with my sister. We are going to the Jersey Shore (as we do every year) in mid-July. We used to always go Friday to Sunday but, since this is my sister's 40th birthday year, we extended it an extra day. I cannot WAIT! After that will be my September 2nd Caribbean cruise with my hubby.
5. If there is another Jan '06 reunion, do you plan on attending?
-- YES...I plan on attending (no matter where it is) and, if everyone is good with the NYC idea, I would happy to organize it, as well! Just let me know!
Have a great day!

Good afternoon Jersey.....I wi**** hurt me to eat too.
1. What is the silliest thing that you have spent money on recently? Dishes because they were on sale and when I brought them home they were too big to fit in the cupboard....So I returned them....
2. What is the most extravagant thing you have spent money on recently? I bought myself a diamond ring for Mother's day.....
3. If you are not at goal, do you have a time frame for when you would like to get there? If so, when is that?
I am not at goal and hope to be by the end of summer. Only 12 more pounds. Even if it is just for a day I would love to weigh 125 pounds...
4. Do you have any vacation plans this summer? If so, what are they? I would like to go visit Anna in St louis and am hoping to set it up soon....Other than that no vacation plans because we have a busy summer planned. Maybe camping as we have a pop up camper we hardly use. I am also hoping Karyn comes to see me....
5. If there is another Jan '06 reunion, do you plan on attending? I would love another Jan reunion but the last one seems to have made the board more quiet. I was hoping after everyone got back it would be bustling. No such luck though. Ny sounds good to me as I love NY city....
Hugs Chris

1. What is the silliest thing that you have spent money on recently?
*** Ummm... not sure, I haven't spent much money on anything lately, except food... trying to get my sh*t together.
2. What is the most extravagant thing you have spent money on recently?
*** GAS.... $3.29 a gallon here... jumped $.30 in three days... I'm gonna start walking or buy a bicycle. It's only 3.5 miles to work... LOL (but then 10 miles to my second job... I need the second job just to keep driving... LOL)
3. If you are not at goal, do you have a time frame for when you would like to get there? If so, when is that?
*** I'm not at goal... about 30 - 50# from a reasonable goal. I would like to get there before my 2 year Surgiversary... but I've been virtually stuck in the same 10 pound range since last October... so I don't know what a realistic time frame would be.
4. Do you have any vacation plans this summer? If so, what are they?
*** No summer plans here... work, work, work... and try to steal away a weekend or two to visit my honey... but we'll see???
5. If there is another Jan '06 reunion, do you plan on attending?
*** If the money is there, Absolutely! I am all for meeting in NYC!!!... but it would be in January... burrrr. I liked getting away to Vegas (i.e. someplace warm.) I wouldn't miss it though... it would be great to meet more sisters and see everyone. It'll never be a dull time!
Much love!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Happy Wednesday!
Good Morning Jersey,
Glad to hear maybe things are on the upward swing for you and the little one!
1. What is the silliest thing that you have spent money on recently?
Some edible lotion...
2. What is the most extravagant thing you have spent money on recently?
Nothing really, been watching the money, my son is getting married June 2nd and the wedding is at our house!
3. If you are not at goal, do you have a time frame for when you would like to get there? If so, when is that? I am not at goal and really wanted to be there before now. I have been struggling the last couple of months, no weight loss.
4. Do you have any vacation plans this summer? If so, what are they?
Just 2 Nascar races, one in June and one in August.
5. If there is another Jan '06 reunion, do you plan on attending?
I would love to, is anyone planning one?

My answers are :
And, now, roll call...
1. What is the silliest thing that you have spent money on recently? I had the perfectly good lights in my bathroom changed, I hated the gold colored ones and had them replaced to some very nice looking chrome ones.
2. What is the most extravagant thing you have spent money on recently? I just ordered my daughter a bracelet from Tiffanys for her birthday
3. If you are not at goal, do you have a time frame for when you would like to get there? If so, when is that? I am at goal and was below, I think I liked being below better with the way things fit, its so hard to tell everything is still dropping in to place after my lbl, I actually have a Butt again.
4. Do you have any vacation plans this summer? If so, what are they? We always go to San Diego and stay at a condo on the beach
5. If there is another Jan '06 reunion, do you plan on attending? Yes and NYC sounds so fun, I was just telling my kids the way Chris spelled John Travalta and I could just hear her saying it with her NYC accent and that I would love to go one here has an accent
Tori, will you adopt me? I love Tiffany's
I bet if we all met up we would think "YOU" had the accent.
Hugs Chris
ps a friend of mine and our daughter's went to ny city last summer and she bought her daughter a key ring from Tiffany's for $95....My girls were shocked someone would spend that kinda money on a key ring so when I was in Vegas I bought the same key ring for each of them for $10...Probably not really silver but it looked the same. Lets hope the 16 year old never looses her keys....