Sorry I've been MIA
I haven't been around much the last couple of weeks. I have been dealing with a bout of Siatica that causes alot of pain in my right hip and down the right leg. It has been driving me crazy. It has hurt so much that I can't sleep and when I don't get my sleep I am worthless.
It hurts to sit and laying down is not much better. Tylenol doesn't touch it and neither does Vicaden (although that at least puts me to sleep for a couple of hours). Luckily I still have my liftchair and it has heat onboard and that does help to relax my back muscle.
I haven't been able to excersise except for leisurely walks and at least the weather has cooperated so I can walk outside.
I do miss you all and hope to be back online more often very soon. But I wanted you to know why I haven't been around much lately,
Sending hugs,