Herpetic stomatitis

on 5/13/07 12:04 pm - Pequannock, NJ
So my son has been home for less than one week. While he was in Florida (for about 6 weeks), he was PERFECTLY healthy. No problems whatsoever. He was happy and radiant. Thursday night he contracted a fever...pretty low-grade so I was not concerned. I figured it was a result of the change in climate (although it is pretty warm in NJ lately). Friday he seemed a big better. But Friday night his fever spiked to 102 degrees and he was saying his teefies (teeth) hurt. Then he was grabbing his head and saying his head hurt...and his throat hurt. Now...anytime a 2 and a half year old grabs his head and says it hurts, you automatically think he is having an aneurysm or something. I know that sounds dramatic but, come on, we all think this way, don't we?? We gave him some Motrin and he was able to sleep...but fitfully and he woke up a few times crying during the night. I made a doctor appointment for him on Saturday morning. I thought maybe he was getting a tooth? But...nope. He has something called herpetic stomatitis...and here is the deal on it... Herpetic stomatitis is a contagious viral illness caused by Herpes virus hominis (also herpes simplex virus, HSV) and is seen mainly in young children. This condition is probably a child's first exposure to the herpes virus, and it can result in a systemic illness with high fever (often as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit), blisters, ulcers in the mouth, and inflammation of the gums. The inside of the cheeks and tongue frequently develop ulcers 1 - 5 mm in diameter with a grayish-white base and a reddish perimeter. These ulcers are very painful and cause drooling, difficulty swallowing, and decrease in food intake (even if the patient is hungry). An adult member of the family may have a cold sore at the time the child develops the herpetic stomatitis. More likely, no source for the infection will be discovered. The illness clears up and ulcers are generally healed within 10 days. My son was in absolute agony yesterday and today was even worse. He has sores both inside his mouth and on his lips. His gums are so swollen you can barely see his teeth! He is starving but, after his first bite of anything, he spits it out and won't try to eat again because it hurts too much. We were told we could put Orajel on it to numb the pain (there is no "cure" for this...you have to let it ride). When we put Orajel on it, he screamed so hard that I thought *I* would pass out. Then he tried to rub his open mouth on my face to get the Orajel off. I just don't understand why my son has to go through so much. I have NEVER been a "why me" kind of person. I used to believe that there was a reason for everything. But now I AM questioning WHY HIM? Why does my baby have to go through so much pain? I know there are no answers but I cannot help but wonder why. Anyhow...has anyone else had any experience with herpetic stomatitis? If so, is there anything else I can do for my son aside from Motrin and Orajel? Even after his surgery he was not in this much agony... Much love, Jersey
on 5/13/07 12:15 pm - Lockport, NY
Wow Jersey you really have alot going on.... My neice who is 15 had started with blisters on her lips on thursday and Friday they covered the inside of her mouth....She wears braces and they covered her gums just like you described....She has never had a cold sore in her life......She went to the pediatrician and he diagnosed her with Herpes simplex....They also said she has an infection from her braces but I would bet my bottom dollar that it is the same as your son. I hope they both feel better soon. Hugs and Happy Mother's day,.. Chris
on 5/13/07 12:20 pm - Pequannock, NJ
Hey Chris: Herpes simplex, I guess, is a form of herpetic stomatitis. Weird that your neice has it, too! Are her gums swollen, as well? Did they give her any remedies? I hope she feels better soon! Thanks! Happy Mother's Day to you, too! Love ya! Me
on 5/13/07 9:06 pm - Lockport, NY
Good morning Jersey I hope Jersey boy is feeling better today.... My niece was prescribed a pill to help the sores heal quicker...It is called Acyclovir (Spelling?) My daughter gets cold sores alot and has since she was very little and when she feels the tingle of a sore coming on she takes these pills and it stops them. The doctor also ordered my niece a mixed "****tail" I know there is hurricane and two other medicines in it for the sores in her mouth. She is to swish and spit with that. Her gums are so swollen they are covering her braces which is why they said it was an infection from her braces? I can't wait to tell my sister in law what Jersey boy was diagnosed with....I just think it is so bizaar sincce she is going through the same thing..... Hugs Chris
on 5/13/07 12:36 pm - NJ
Jersey, So so sorry to hear about your son, I can't imagine what your feeling right now! I will pray for him! Hang in there Jersey, I know you have so much going on right now. I will talk to you soon. Take Care, Shannon
Jen Jen J.
on 5/13/07 1:18 pm - Houston, TX
Ok, JM ~ here is my 2 cents. You should not use orajel. I say this b/c when Gracie had her tongue clipped, she was miserable. I called the ENT and asked about orajel. They said NO WAY! It would burn the open sore. They prescribed a pain killer with narcotic - think tylenol with codine. Try giving him semi frozen foods - yogurt, grapes, bananas not to the point that they are frozen hard, just a little firm. Make him a milkshake. Crush some ice and pour koolaid (I would not use juice that has acid) over it for a slush. Give him a hug and kiss from me. I will say a prayer for relief for him and you! God Bless! Jen
on 5/14/07 5:26 am - Pequannock, NJ
Jen: Thank you SO MUCH for the advice. It makes so much sense, now, that Orajel would burn. What an a-hole that on-call doctor was for telling us to use it! My MIL is going to try a banana/vanilla ice cream milk shake when he wakes up...thanks for the tip! I will try anything at this point! Have a great day and thank you again! Love ya! JM
Karla Lewis
on 5/13/07 9:08 pm - Livingston, TX
I hope he heals up from that soon. Doesn't sound too pleasant. I know mouth ulcers hurt a lot, poor thing. Karla
Carly P.
on 5/13/07 10:04 pm - Fairport, NY
Hugs to your son Jersey, I feel terrible for what he is going through. Your family is in my thoughts.
on 5/13/07 11:21 pm - Aberdeen, MD
My goddaughter had this very same thing, but she was 9 months old when she got it. We too thought she was teething because of the low grade fever, screaming and constant hand chewing. We were away from home when this was all going on (at Disney in Orlando), but my friend called the ped and they sent her to the ER. They gave her Tylenol with Codiene and I swear my goddaughter slept for the next 3 days straight. She had been up crying for 2 nights straight. I agree w/the other poster about NOT using Orajel. Hopefully the antibiotic is kicking in and he'll feel better soon. Susan
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