Roll call for Friday...
Hi everyone. I see how quiet the board is and am hoping everyone is lurking and just not posting....I am he weather here has been beautiful and perhaps my exercise will now pick up.....I have been going through the Vesid program to be retrained to return to work and next week I will be tested to see what they think my interests would be. I also see a plastic surgeon on the 22nd. So I am getting excited.
1) So what are your plans for Mother's day....
2) What is the one way you treat yourself to weekly/monthly?
3) What was the last movie you saw?
4) What's the weather like near you?
I will answer in a while.....
Hugs Chris
Just stopping by to say hi and thought I would answer your roll call! Congrats on the plastic surgeon appointment!
1. Plans for Mothers day... Running a 5k on San Diego Bay then going to brunch with my family.
2. I've been tanning and been getting my toes done.
3. Last movie I saw in the theaters was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. At home the was Flushed Away
4. It's nice and warm.. Very sunny but not too hot! In the mid 70's
Have a great weekend!

Good morning, Chris and Everyone!
Here are my answers...
1) So what are your plans for Mother's day....
- I do not really have any. I just plan to spend it with my boy. My husband does not generally do any fanfare for such events and it will be even less so since his mother is staying with us. But I don't care. My boy is the reason I am a Mom and spending time with him will make my day perfect!
2) What is the one way you treat yourself to weekly/monthly?
- I don't. Hmm....maybe I should start!
3) What was the last movie you saw?
- Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. I just downloaded it on my iPod and watched it one night while I was in Florida.
4) What's the weather like near you?
- Today is it warm (around 70 degrees) but currently overcast. Yesterday was absolutely beautiful, though! I am so happy it is spring!
Have a great day, everyone!
1) So what are your plans for Mother's day....
I will be working... I took a second job to help me get to some goals... Happy Mother's Day to me...
2) What is the one way you treat yourself to weekly/monthly?
I have been really bad about not treating myself. I've been planning to paint my toenails for two weeks, and they still aren't done... I trimmed them and cleaned them up, but haven't applied the paint, yet... Maybe I'll do that tonight?
3) What was the last movie you saw?
Meet the Robinsons (in 3-D) with my DS
4) What's the weather like near you?
So sunny and beautiful... it's been in the 80's all week. I love this weather. Sunshine, but not overly hot.
Hope everyone out there is doing great, I know it is Friday... Have a great day and wonderful Mother's Day weekend.
Love ya,
Hey Everyone!
I was cruising by the board and had a moment, so I figured I pop in, say "hi" to you all and participate a bit.
It's been a long time... Hope all is well with everyone.
1) So what are your plans for Mother's day....
? Early morning training session (25 mile bike followed by a 5 mile run) and then spend the day with my wife & daughter.
2) What is the one way you treat yourself to weekly/monthly?
? One Friday a month, I allow myself to go out and enjoy a few "adult beverages" with friends
3) What was the last movie you saw?
? Going to see Spiderman 3 in the IMAX theater in Atlantic City tonight!
4) What's the weather like near you?
? Near 80 degress, partly cloudy & humid with a chance of afternoon showers.
Okay... Back to work
I'll try not to be such a stranger
Be Well,

1) So what are your plans for Mother's day....eating w/ mom & family at my sister's house after church on Sunday.
2) What is the one way you treat yourself to weekly/monthly?
Nothing in particular
3) What was the last movie you saw? don't remember
4) What's the weather like near you? warm and sunny - in the 80's
Hi Chris,
Glad to see your internet is still working. I have been posting alot on the preggo board since this board is so quiet. Funny how it died down to almost nothing.
Good luck with the PS. I am not even thinking of PS until after the next pregnancy (hopefully within 6 months after Faith comes) then they can get rid of all the nastys at once.
1) So what are your plans for Mother's day....
Sat night hubby and I are going to see a Christian Comedian at a local church. We may go to dinner before, I was given a gift card for a local steak house. My sister is babysitting. So Saturday, the comedian is free, the babysitter is free and we have a giftcard for dinner - what a cheap date I will be.
Sunday we are going to church and then taking the kids to the zoo.
For Mother's Day, hubby had my van detailed last week. Oh my, I did not even realize how utterly gross and dirty it was until I saw it clean. Four kids really jack up a van!
2) What is the one way you treat yourself to weekly/monthly? I try to go grocery shopping by myself every week. That is a pretty sad treat huh? I would love, love, love , love to go for regular massages ... but that is not in the budget anymore.
3) What was the last movie you saw? We rented The Chronicles of Narnia
4) What's the weather like near you? Lows in the 60's and highs in the 80' - good temps now. We had terrible sotrms alst night - woke all the kids - crying - boohooing and carrying on - two had to come downstairs and get some luvin and reassurance and eventually went back to bed.
Hi everyone glad to see some faces who have been away for awhile.....I have been busy getting ready for a dinner party I am throwing tonite for my husbands family who are in from England....I am doing Lasagna & salad for dinner, cheese cake, cream puffs and choc covered strawberries for dessert and of course Margaritta's to drink.... Not all for me though I am trying to be good!
1) So what are your plans for Mother's day.... Going to see my Mom and My mother in law.....then just taking it easy......
2) What is the one way you treat yourself to weekly/monthly?
I get my nails done once a month.....
3) What was the last movie you saw? My son and I went and saw Wild hogs with John Travalta.....
4) What's the weather like near you? Today sunny and 74*
Have a good day everyone...
Hugs Chris
Hi Chris!! Good luck with your testing and the Plastics Consult! I have a consult on Tuesday.... *crossing fingers*
1) So what are your plans for Mother's day....
* I don't know really... I know my sister is coming home... but other than that? Dunno
2) What is the one way you treat yourself to weekly/monthly?
* I don't really... I get my nails done... but that's for work and so I don't have cuticles that look terrible lol
3) What was the last movie you saw?
* "Because I Said So"
4) What's the weather like near you?
* HOT! It was 94 Yesterday