Back! And I Mean Business!
Hi Everyone!
I am back from Florida and have my son home again! Yay! I feel like a whole person again.
I did not want to come home, though, I will tell you that much. It was so beautiful in Florida. 90 degrees and sunny every day. I love my parents house (and my parents) but I guess you have to come back to reality eventually, eh?
I returned to work today and saw that my Mama goose is gone. I am assuming she had her babies without any issues and has taken off (at least that is what I want to believe).
I still have my counsellor appointment for Monday and I promise I will TRY to keep it! ;)
And...I have gained weight. A LOT. That is a major problem that needs to be remedied at once. I am not sure I can handle the B2B right now but I am going to attempt a daily exercise regiment and lay off the junk food. It's a start.
Just taking it one day at a time and will be much more active on this board. I ALWAYS do better health-wise when I visit here more often.
So, in a way, I am glad to be back!
Love you all!
I am praying for you and your precious son.
My oldest son has been suffering due to anaphalix shock due to something he is allergic too and only at school.. yep he must be allergic to learning
The school has had to call 911 4 times in the past 30 days so they asked he not come back and put him on homebound so they now send a teacher here to the house 3 days a week. Anyway, I completely understand how you feel is hard to see your child suffer and if you could take the pain on yourself you just would.
Hug him tight and love him lots and soon he will be well and playing, laughing and having a good time.