April!! Where r u??
Hey gals! Thanks for wondering where I've been. I've been okay, just soooo tired. I sleep most of the day even when I get enough sleep. I got out of the house for the first time yesterday, so that was a treat. I figured I'd be back to normal by now, but something just feels "different". Not sure what it is. I go to see my doc tomorrow, so we'll see and I'll keep ya posted. I need to start adding my menu...I know I'm not getting enough protein in. That's probably why I'm so friggin tired all the time. My body's used to getting 85-95 g/day. I've been pulling 40-50. "Food food" bothers my tummy, and junk food (chips, cookies, crackers) don't bother me
. What the heck?! Like I said...I see the doc tomorrw, so we'll see...
Thanks, and love you guys!