Hi, I am finally feeling up to updating. I had my panni on Monday and am writing this post standing up
I don't know how much he removed since I have not spoken to my surgeon since sugery. He cut me from hip to hip and down low on my pubic line sorry so graphic. I have 4 drains and will probably have them on til Tuesday. It is very painful let me tell you. I was in the hospital for 3 days and had problems with my blood pressure it was around 80/46. I am still running low bp but my heart rate is normal. I lost a lot of blood but not enough to need a transfusion. I am on a regular diet now, but I did not eat, Mon-Thursday. I barely ate today. I just could not stomach anything. The pain killers made me so sick. I had to stop them on Wednesday. I will post more when I feel up to it. I will also post how much excess skin was removed. Talk to you soon.