VA Tech
I was at the gym when the news broke out about the VA Tech school shooting. Truly, this is a very sad day in's sad when children and adult students cannot feel safe in their rooms and on campus. I hope and pray that no one on this board is personally affected, and if so, I deepest sympathy and prayers are being sent your way. Let's all take time to hold our children, to call our college age students and really take time to tell our loved ones how much we love them, one never knows as it has happened today, such terrible events may come upon us. Truly, I am saddened by this situation, I am a graduate student and it's sad to say that I worry that even on our small campus something like this could happen. Everyone take the time and pray for the families of the victims and even as hard as it may be the family of the shooter.

I am watching the news right know.
I hope none of our January sister and brothers have any close relations that had to live through this.
Its so scary... This is why we do need metal detectors everywhere even if it delays us getting to and from places.
Life is to precious to waste.
Sending hugs to everyone....Take care and stay safe......