BTB Group 2 Weekend Edition
I know the boards can be incredibly slow over the weekend, so I am just going to post one thread for both days.
Saturday is day #4
Sunday is day #5
I know I will have a hard time today, simply because weekends are the worst for me and my diets... I started today with power shake... was mixing some flavor samples for flavors I'm just not that fond of...... it turned out really good... I was licking the glass... LOL
So I don't think I'm gonna post menus, maybe tonight I will recap what I had, but I am going to venture into the world prepared... with cheese sticks and yogurt... so I can try to stay on track. As for exercise... I'm not feeling it, but I will certainly try... another downfall of weekends... the classes at the gym are very few... I could really use the class on Saturdays! Maybe I'll get a good walk in? I will try.
So I hope you are all having a great weekend... do your best with the BTB. The body is weak, but the mind is strong. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! It will be so worth it by next Saturday!
Much love, as always,