quick update
Last night I was having some lower bowel pain. I PM'd Jersey Mom (in case, by chance, she was on the computer at the time) to ask her about her situation and gather some info. She was on and got right back to me. I ended up calling her and she was so great to talk to...My pain was above my belly button and not really near my stomach or pouch. It was a 4 on a scale of 10 and it felt better if I was sitting upright or walking around.
I ended up calling my surgeon and he said gallstones or ulcer. I asked about constipation and he said it could be that as well. I went out and got some cherry Milk of Magnesia and took it about 9:45p CST. I could not sleep on my stomach because of the pain, however I got some rest while sleeping on my side. About six hours later, I finally got some relief. I am going to call him back this am and let him know what happened.
In the middle of the night, I kept waking up and my mind was racing - what if I have to have surgery, who do I call, what if it is a bowel obstruction, who is going to take me to the hospital, who will stay with me, what will I do about work if I have to have surgery - I travel out of state next week - boy those voices in my head were not so fun!
Long story short, please make sure that you call your surgeon if something feels funny - better to be safe than sorry. I am going to try and get in 100 oz today and the rest of the week to make sure I stay hydrated and keep things moving along.
Happy Hump Day!
Hey Rhonda:
I came to the boards just now to specifically message you. Thank you so much for providing the update.
How are you feeling this morning, though? Still in pain? I am sorry that you had to go throught that last night. I know it is scary but I am very proud of you for calling your surgeon!
So you think the MOM helped? I hope so!!
It was great chatting with you last night! I hope it's not the last time...
Let me know if you have anymore pain...
Jersey Mom
Not to alarm you, but galstone could still be the problem. It can last from an hour to 24 hours then go away. Also, when I had the attacks, it was usually followed with a bowel movement, which made me think that was what it was at first. So keep an eye out for that. Try eating stuff with fiber in it too. I love grape nuts cereal, not only is it multi grain, low calorie and fiber, it has alot of iron in it, which we absorb better when it is added to food. So try that along with the water today.
Hope it was the MOM that worked. Just wanted you to know.
Oh and i was in Canada when my medical emergency hit, so I know how scary it is to know you will be traveling and have something like thi****
Rhonda, I hope it is just this and not something else. Try staying hydrated and you can take Colace to help. I take 2 almost every morning. You think a lot like me...I start worrying about who can do this, how am I going to do that...better than not caring, though. Glad you feel better. I hope you don't have any more problems