My very first dumping episode!
Ok, I have never, ever dumped, until yesterday. Oh my goodness it was awful. I was cooking dinner, running around, chasing the kid (my little ) , I was hungry so I made a small corn quesadilla, 2 tbs. rice and 2 tbs. beans, with salsa. I forgot to chew and inhaled it. I went back to cooking and bam, things started to spin, I got dizzy, I started sweating, felt like vomiting , and just lost it. It was the most horrible experience ever! The odd thing is I do this all the time. I forget to chew. It put things in perspective and served as a good reminder what we all learn at the beginning. For anyone out there who has never dumped, please, avoid doing so. Let me tell you it is a horrible thing to dump. I was taught a lesson. I will never dump again, so help me, I will do what I need to do to avoid this. Thanks for listening!
So sorry you had to go through this, I dump often at least once a week that is how I find out oops I can't eat that, usually things I don't know have sugar in them like a bagle who would have thought a bagel would have 7 sugar's ???? I usually get all hot my heart starts racing and my tummy starts churning I have to go lay down and then everything I have eaten comes rushing out the other end at a high rate of speed (sorry to be so graphic) its not pretty.