Monday Morning weigh in!
Good morning everyone! I just heard on TV that Houston is under a tornado watch right now and I beleive that is Karla's area so I thought I would step up and do Monday's weigh in!
Heaviest~278 lbs
Surgery~248 lbs
Last weigh in~ 139 lbs (Feb 26)
Today~ 137 lbs
lost~ 2 lbs
total lost~141
Have a great day to all!
Hugs Chris

Good morning everyone! It is supposed to be about 52 here in central pa, bring it on! I'm tired of being cold all the time.
I haven't done the weigh in for a while, but my weight now is 128. Which brings me to 101 pounds lost!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will have to go back and see what I was on my last weigh in, great job to everyone, you all look so great, some of you I barely recognize! It has been so long since I had time to get on here, but that is another post...

Good morning. I just slept in since it's spring break. Thanks for thinking of us. It's actually just thundering and lightening outside. We do need rain, so hopefully we'll get some. May not get to play our ball game tonight though!
I knew it wouldn't be a great weigh -in today, but here goes...
haven't eaten that badly, but haven't been really good, either. I'll blame it on PMS! I have been eating some really salty things the past few days, so I know I'm retaining some water. Better drink up and get it out and lay off the salty things.
Surgery wt: 337 lbs.
Last week's weight: 179.4
Today's weight: 180.6
Weight lost this week: 0 - + 1.2 lbs.
Total wt. lost since surgery: 156.4 lbs.
Well I was a little freaked when I weighed last week and I was 118 and thought I better eat I sort of pigged everyday way to many carbs it seems like the more you eat the more you crave of the salty carbs, pretzles, kashi bars, nuts, popcorn, cornnuts (my new favorite) This morning I was even more freaked that I weighed 117 this is getting scary I should not loose anymore weight I am going to try to eat more protein this week maybe that will help.
I now am wondering how I stop loosing weight ?? I never thought I would wonder something like that.
It could be stress to I am going through some major things with my middle daughter, stress always had the oppesite efect on me before I would gain ?
Sunny and warm here today may even hit 60
But what a mess
All that snow is melting and it is like a marsh out there. My poor puppy (OK she is 9) can't walk anywhere without getting full of mud.
Anyway here's my stats......which are starting to get boriing
Surgery weight: 327
Last wee: 200
Today: 200
Total lost 127