Myspace (yes again!)
Okay I thought I added a lot of people long ago but I don't see anyone!!!! If anyone has myspace and wants to add me, please do so!!!
Hey Renee:
I requested to add you as a friend!
Have a great day!
OK I give!! I just created a MYSPACE ac**** So please invite me to be your friend.
Sending hugs,

Hey Renee~
Please don't take this the wrong way but I just HAVE to ask you something. I just checked out your myspace profile and pics and found myself in complete shock. The tattoo you have on your lower back is the exact one that my husband sketched for me a few months ago. I remember posting it on here because how excited I was about it and what it symbolized for ME. He drew it free hand and completely from his imagination. With that said...did you use my sketch? I showed my husband and he said he would be flattered but out of courtsey you should have asked me first.