Surgery 1 past, # 2 coming up!
So I had the mass removied from my ovary, actually they were both stuck together on the right side... I guess I had endrometriosis (spelling?). I lost an ovary, a tube, and my uterus. Really sucks because I would have liked another baby but.... not in the cards I guess! It didn't fix my stomach pain though and now they say it's gallbladder and I have to have that taken out now. Not sure when, but in the next 1-4 weeks or so. Has anyone had that done? What scares me is that when I read about it on the internet... 40 percent of people STILL have symptoms even after the surgery (pain, bloating, etc). That's a big chance! Seems crazy! I'm torn what to do but the pain and bloating are horrible. I got into a size 6 pants before all this crap and now have to wear a size 10 because by night time I am like a big fat mushroom balloon! So I've lost down to 135ish and wear bigger pants, lol! Whacko!!!! I guess I just wanted to know if anyone had gallbladder surgery or know people who have and how it turned out for them.
thanks so much !!
Hey Renee,
sorry you are going through this....I had my gallbladder out in 1999 and I really did well with it. I had gas and discomfort for a couple days and they say you get diarrhea alot after...but I am NOT normal and wasn't lucky enough to get diarrhea (told you I am not normal) most people wouldn't want it.
I was playing volleyball the day after my surgery.... There is another way to think about this too. You will weigh less if they keep taking out your organs...
that is thinkng like a previous fat person. good luck and know that I think of you!
~~hugs and well wishes~~
lol we sound the same!!!! I was complaining to my b/f that I lost weight, had a bunch of organs taken out and yet my pants are bigger! what's wrong with that!!! They are falling off my hips in the am and mushroomed over by night. Yeah I've heard about the diarrhea part. That scares me too. We don't eat much fat after having this bypass but's kind of scary. I was able to eat out and stuff.... I've read some posts on web sites that people don't even make it to the bathroom after eating out, etc!!! YIKES!!! but now to be blunt, who isn't constipated after gastic bypass... maybe it will all even out?? haha!! I had to drop out of school this semester though do to all the surgeries so that part sucks... but on the somewhat positive side... on Mar. 1st I put in to see if the insurance will cover the skin removal. If it does maybe I can get that done a lot sooner than I thought since no classes? (gotta find a positive somewhere!!!!)
thanks so much Chris!!
Hey Renee! So sorry to hear about your recent surgery....fortunately I can tell you the gall bladder surgery is very simple and fairly painless. I had mine out in 2001 and the pain was so unbearable before surgery that afterward it was such a relief! I do not suffer from any problems now, and never had the pains again since. Good luck!
My husband had his out in 1995 he has to run to the bathroom after he eats, however lots of days he doesn't et breakfest or lunch so his first meal is in the evening that may contribute to his problem. Before he had it out he was in horrible pain....
I would say it's worth it to get it out.
Good luck, sorry about the uterus thing, you can always adopt there are so many babies out there that need a good home.