Call It What You Like, But I Call it.....
"It's very strange. I have been in the revenge business so long, now that it's over, I don't know what to do with the rest of my life." - Inigo Montoya ? The Princess Bride
Of course, Montoya was referring to his life-long search for the six-fingered man.
In my case... replace the word "revenge" with "weight loss"... See where I'm goin' with this?
My Official Weight: 199 lbs
That's One Hundred and Ninety Nine Frickin' Pounds.
Okay, okay, I'll say it... "One-der-land".
This lovely little nugget of information was revealed to me this morning after stepping on the scale for the 366th consecutive day since surgery. Yup, today just so happens to be the first anniversary of my lap RNY. Coincidence? Synergy? Harmonic Convergence?
You can call it what you like, but I call it...
? 218 lbs... gone. (BMI down to 26.3 from 55.0 - Current body fat at 13%)
? Back Pain... gone. (So long, Mr. Chiropractor)
? Sleep Apnea... gone. (No more snoring, either)
? High Blood Pressure... gone. (Along with the expensive medication)
? 56 Inch Waist Pants... gone. (Replaced with 32's)
? 5XL & 6XL Shirts... gone. (Replaced with Medium & Large)
? That secret, awful, sickening feeling deep down that I might drop dead of a heart attack at any moment and leave my sweet little girl without her Daddy, knowing full well that I could have prevented it....... Gone.
I'm gettin' a little misty, here.
Ya know what?
Screw Inigo Montoya... I know exactly what I'm doing with the rest of my life.
Be Well,
Oh Yeah...Here's my official 1 year pic: