Anyone have Vitamin Problems?
Hey Everyone,
Just curious as to how many of you have some vitamin deficiency's? I was B1 and Vitamin A deficient, now I am too high because I was put on a heavy duty amount of each vitamin. So, I up those numbers and now I am pretty low on my vit D!! It's so frustrating. I go next week for my 1 year post op appointment. I'm sure they'll put me on a big dose of vit D. I can't win it seems like!!Anyone else trying to get vitamins under control...any advice?
Shannon, I have not had any problems. I take one iron pill a day..a multivitamin two tums for calcium and a B-12 shot once a month. Thankfully that's all I have had to take since the surgery. I had my one year checkup on the 28th of Dec. and everything is still in good shape. I hope your Dr. can get yours straightend out.
Hey Shannon,
My labs sound like yours. Its like it goes from one extreme to another. Either it's too high or too low. My surgeon said the ones I had done last month have been the best BUT he would like to see my protein levels a little bit higher. In Oct, I was told my Vit D was too low also. I have changed vitamins so many times since surgery. If my next labs come out good, I'm sticking to what I'm taking now.
Hang in there. Try switching to something new. It took me a year to get it right. Like you, I felt like I couldn't win.
I have had trouble with low potassium, low iron and low ferritin (sp) levels. I have to go in this week to get my labs done so my Dr can have the results before my 1 yr. I am willing to be something is still low. Sorry, I dont' have much advise except to keep up with whatever your Dr is telling you for vitamins.