VEGAS, Baby!
I cannot believe it is TWO weeks away! I have officially begun only thinking Vegas... that's all I think about. I even ask my customers at Jack if they've been and what they recommend I see
I love my job... it rocks!
I'm sad to say that our fourth roomie has backed out. Amber's buddy can't make it and I was wondering if someone wanted to come to the Get Together, but needed some help financially... We'd be splitting the room by 4... which will help immensly! So there's an option! So far its me, Amber and my hunny, Tommy
I am consumed with Vegas- the drive, the shopping, the lights, the night life, the clubs... I can't get it out of my head. CSI only shows a small bit
I would love to check out one of the clubs... I'll be careful, I promise, but which one is the best!? I've never been and I want to say I rocked out in the "blank" in Vegas! ha ha! That's what I'm doing with $10.00... bringing $10 specifically for gambling
I wanna say I gambled in Vegas, ha ha! I know, I'm a dork
The Plan So Far:
Friday: Leaving Super Early in the AM... should be there early to mid afternoon, depending on pit stops and the like
Saturday: Fairly open... but, I heard the Cali board is having a B-Day party and wanna meet some of them... so maybe 1/2 with us and 1/2 with them? I dunnoooooo....
Sunday: The Good Bye Brunch... probably leave right after that... maybe later... a hotel might be nice 1/2 way home
Ladies, I am so excited! I am making a binder filled with venues, directions, reservation info, sights, eats... everything! Tommy totally thinks I'm a dork. He's like its only Vegas... and I told him you're right it IS Vegas
See you in Exactly TWO WEEKS!
I'm excited too![](
See it's 2 a.m. and I'm not sleeping
In fact, I've already packed
Twice in fact. The second time I took things out of the suitcase
I had enough for a month
Don't forget our Kick off Dinner on Friday Night!!!!!
You will be getting an email with more detailed info next week, including the spreadsheet with everyone's cell phone numbers so we can get ahold of each other
Can't wait......we are suppose to get a snowstorm this weekend and I can so do without that
Anyway have a great weekend!!!!
Done on a separate post so everyone can see it. Go to to see it. You can usually get stuff in a week or so, so you still have time.
Mine is packed already
I am so excited too! I just got an email from the girl about my tshirt she is making me and I LOVE it(see the post above this one). I also ordered the camo butterfly one from ebay, it was a bit too small so they sent me the next size up free of charge, so now I have 2 of them! I can't wait to go, I am more excited to meet you all than anything else, this is going to be so awesome!