Who all is going to Vegas????
I am trying to get hubby to agree with me going but wanted some further information. (I don't need his permission.....Just his agreement **financial**too! because we are also going away in March)
What day and time are you arriving?
What day and time are you departing?
What are your definate plans while there?
~~hugs and well wishes~~
Hi Chris,
I know you know that I'm going! I will arrive at 12:30 pm on Thursday if there's no flight delays! I leave at noon on Sunday I have to be at the airport by 10am.
Ronna and Tiffers will be there Thursday at 5pm. I'm not sure when they are leaving.. Plans so far... Dinner on Thursday a get together Friday night to meet everyone.. Trying to find something to do Saturday night...and the other time is free time.
Hi - hope you can join us! Its as Anna outlined. Jaci and Amber are coming. Karen is coming. We're not sure about Janet. Dana will be joining us at some point, she's there wtih the Cali board.
Ronna/I arrive on Thursday. I leave on Sunday afternoon. She leaves on Monday.
In addition to dinners on Thursday and Friday, we suggested meeting for Sunday brunch.
I know we'll also venture out and do other things together depending on people's budgets and interests. Ultimately, we will be out and about having a fabulous time.
Drop a note or give Ronna/I a ring if you want to chat!
Oh Chris,
I really hope you will join us! Here is the office list so far:
Anna D
Angela B
Karyn Renee
Pixie Girl Amber
Teresa Weyer
Jen Jen (still tentative)
Hope I can add you to the list. Can't believe it's just 2 weeks away.
I think I am staying the longest. I arrive on the same flight as Tiffany. We get in about 5pm on the 25th and I leave on Tuesday the 30th. I wanted some downtime after the festivities - spa time and just plan old relaxing on my own
If you have any more questions give me a hollar. My email is [email protected]
Sending hugs
HI Chris, I already saw the post that you are coming
but here's my answers anyway!
What day and time are you arriving?
Thursday evening around 5pm
What day and time are you departing?
Monday afternoon around 3pm
What are your definate plans while there?
going to dinner with the early birds thursday, dinner with the group friday, going to jubilee with dad saturday night, brunch sunday morning, celine sunday night!
Hi Chris!!!!
I SOOOO am coming to Vegas! I'm bringing my Hunny Bunny too!
1. We'll be driving in on Friday... I'm leaving super early that morning, so should be into Vegas early afternoon....
2. We're leaving Sunday... I don't wanna leave toooo early
3. I don't have any definate plans... but I want to gamble away $10, go to a club and dance like a crazy person, have a good time and also find a nice romantic resturaunt for my Hunny and Me... our 6 mos anniversary is on the 23rd.
Can't wait to meet you!