Secret Pal Update - Please Read!
Hello Everyone! I thought maybe 5 people would sign up for QSP 2007. I am psyched about the response. Of couse, since I do nothing simple and easy, I have made a lot more work for myself but I think it will be worth it for everyone in the long run (in other words...the sheet you will receive about your Secret Pal is preeeetty ).
Here is the list of people I have so far. If anyone wants to be included in QSP2007, please email me by tomorrow at midnight (I am firm with the cutoff date!!). I will try to have all the forms ready to email out on the 11th...the 12th at the latest.
Again, if you are missing on this list...or I have the wrong information, please send a gentle reminder...
Thanks everyone!
~*~*~ The List So Far ~*~*~
Angela B.
Anna D.
Carly P.
Cissy B.
Frueta/Laurie Hernandez *I never received your questionnaire. Please send by 1/10.
Jen Jen
Jersey Mom
Julie Campbell
Karen S.
Karyn Renee
Kelli Flores
Lee E.
Lora Simpson *I never received your questionnaire. Please send by 1/10.
Meatball Liz *I never received your questionnaire. Please send by 1/10.
Sexy L./Hazel *I never received your questionnaire. Please send by 1/10.
Special Kay
Suzan Gabin
Teresa Weyer
Texas Girl
Tori O.