Anyone near Upstate NY?
Carly, I just looked up where you live and if I am correct you are just outside of Rochester? I live about 1 hour from there. I would love to meet. Karyn is meeting me in Turningstone on March 24th. I go for an all day bingo trip there every couple of months. Do you like Bingo? It would be great if we could meet up. Karyn lives near Albany, Amber lives in Pittsburg and we thought Jersey Mom might be willing to drive and meet somewhere in the middle sometime. Let me know. If the bingo trip doesn't sound interesting I am willing to meet another time. I could even pick you up...
~~hugs and well wishes~~
Hi Chris,
Bingo sounds like a blast to me, I used to go all the time. Yes I'm right outside of Rochester about 20 minutes. It takes me about 80 minutes to get to Turning stone. Send me an email at: [email protected] with more info. I'm looking forward to it.
Hey Guys!
I am about 4+ hours from Turning Stone (I just mapped it). Might be kind of a long trip but maybe we can find a mid-way point?
And I think next year's trip should be NYC!! Whaddya think?
Cannot WAIT to see your pictures! If you want me to load them onto the ourwlsjourney website, I will find time to do it!