Yesterday for the third time I experienced some spotting. After a "fun" trip to the ER that lasted well into this morning, I have been put on bedrest.
The fantastic news it the baby is in great shape. Baby J was moving, swimming, kicking, stretching, flipping and all of that on the ultrasound last night and the heart beat was 163 bpm.
The bad news is I have to limit all activity - by basically doing nothing. I am not complaining and will do whatever it takes to make sure this pregnancy goes full term.
Sounds great, I'll just lounge around and have people wait on me hand an foot - right? With a house full of kiddos I am in a world of trouble! I need to find a qualified mothers helper immediately.
I posted an ad on craigslist and put a post ont he TX board. I guess on Tuesday I will start calling nanny agencies.
Anyway, I hope you all have a Merry Merry Christmas. Be blessed tonight and remember the reason we celebrate this joyous season; God sent his son so that we may live forever with him!
We are baking a birthday cake for Jesus tonight and I cannot wait to taste that cream cheese icing! How sick is that?
God Bless
Jen and my miracle #2 - fighting hard!
Saying a prayer for you and your miracle baby #2. I pray "he" does well!
I know HE is strong!!
Praying you find a good nanny and stay in that bed!
I loved your picture, Jen. I sure did enjoy getting it and seeing those babies!
You will continue to be in my prayers.
We (our local state board) are fasting and having a prayer day tommorrow. I am including you in my prayers tommorrow!!
Sending you the Joy, Peace and Love Christ has given us!