See you all after Christmas..
I've been so busy these past few days and trying to stay well..
Anyway, I've lurked and checked the boards a few times.
But tommorrow I have to pack because Friday my son has a play and then my nurse comes by and I am leaving for my trip to Birmingham around lunchtime.
I am going to get the house straightened up because we are driving home Christmas Eve and I want everything in order.
Have to charge my video camera and take tons of pictures!
I am so excited and can't wait to see my family even if it's only for 2 days.
We won't get there until Friday night. Saturday we visit with my DH parents and Sunday with my family and then leave right after lunch.
I am praying everything goes well.
Remember me in your prayers as we travel and as I deal with the pain in my groshon.
I hope you all have a BLESSED holiday and remember JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON!!
God has blessed me so this year. What a glorious gift!!
to all!