Prayers Please!
I know you have all been there for me. And the support has been awesome. And I hate coming to you all so often....
But my groshon is not doing well. The nurse said Friday that it didn't look good and the redness has spread as she thought it would. The skin has broken open and is peeling and to be on your breast it's very sensitive and I am in alot of pain.
I don't want to lose this groshon. It's been alot of trouble with the broken rib and dealing with all the pain only to have it removed.
And I certainly don't want ANY more complications! I'm complicated out!
I want to stay at home and I want to visit family for 2 days for Christmas.
Yes, I know I'm be demanding and wanting alot....
Just pray for me! I know GOD has a purpose for all this and while I may not see it right now I know he is working his miracles for me!!! GOD IS FAITHFUL!
And I am standing firm in my faith! Please stand with me!
Thank you in advance for your overall support and LOVE!