I had groshon placement this afternoon. The surgeon ran late. I didn't get out of recovery until 6pm. And then of course I rested.
A groshon is a central line that is stitched into your chest. It lays on top of my right breast. And yes, imagine the pain... it's uncomfortable. Takes a few days to get use to it. I've had one before so I know what to expect this time.
My PICC line got infected so they had to put in a different line so that I could get my nourishment and stay hydrated. Until I can get in to see another WLS that specializes in bariatrics! Hopefully Dr. Freeman will have the answers. I am just waiting for him to get my records and CT films.
Continue your prayers for me!!
I hope to go home tommorrow on homehealth.
whothanksallofyouforpostingandprayingforme!! YOU lift my spirits!