How far from goal?
I am goal confused. My surgeon does not set I have always been on my own. I am 35 lb.s away from the original goal I set for myself, but then I changed my mind. Moslty becuase I wanted to loose an even 200. I would be 65 lb.s away from that. My husbadn has always said the second goal I set would be too thin. So....somewhere between 35 and 65 lb.s.
Is everyone else confused now?
Leeanne, I'm confused too! My surgeon is not big on goals either but he finally said that 160 ish would be a good weight for me. Me and my nut thought 170-180 would be a good weight for me. My parnter thinks that's too small but my mom said it's not small enough. I don't know. I don't even remember being 160 or 180 so now I just say.. I want to be a size 12!
Confused Kay