Dumping... Now!?
Ok... I think I've realized why I feel so sick lately after eating. I'm Dumping! Why didn't I dump before??? Its been ten months and just now I'm getting sick! I've narrowed it down to white carbs, milk and cottage cheese and yogurt. I don't know about other dairy, but I had cottage cheese and yogurt this morning and got sick.
I haven't been grossly sick- just some hot flashes and the feeling that my blood is rushing through my body. Once, I was actually sweating! I felt it on my back! That was gross lol.
What I don't understand is why did it wait ten months to show up after I've already been eating this? So now I am super limited on what I can eat as we aren't able to go to the store ever day lol. I tried out some soy milk and I think I'm dumping a bit on that now too! How am I going to get my protein in? What am I going to do??
I need some help lol... any offers????
Sorry you are experiencing this! It's awful isn't it? Were the yogurt and cottage cheese low fat? I dump from fat sometimes. I have dumped on things I have eaten before with no problem and then the next time
. Like last night, I ate some homemade meatballs that I had just made sunday and eaten fine and I thought I was going to die! You may be able to eat those same things again that are making you sick now. I don't have any answers for you, but I know what you are going through!
I would fan you and hold your hand if I was there sweetie!
Oh yuck! Yup that's what it sounds like. Now you know what it feels like to have a low bloodsugar episode. Not fun at all.
Just try laying off the milk products for awhile. Keep to lean meats, poultry and fish and fresh vegies and fruit. Maybe your body just needs some time off
You can also try to find lowcarb milk products lie the Hoods Calorie Control Milk. That's what I use to make my protein shakes. It has much lower carbs and thus less sugar than regular milk products. I know that Super Walmart carries it.
Take good care and I hope you don't experience this again.
Sending hugs,
You may find it's combinations of things, like my protein pudding I make makes me slightly nauseous, as does some protein shakes combining protein powder and milk products. My worst ever was milk, protein powder, and peanut butter. It was terrible! Eat meat for a while, nuts, and use soy milk or Calorie Countdown milk. That may help.
Hope it gets better!
I am so sorry this is happening to you !!! It sucks...
It happens to me a few times a week sometimes on things I have eaten before with no prob. usually on milk or things with sugar I never eat things with over 3 grms but sometimes it happens with them or even some sf things wierd sometimes ok and sometimes not ?
hope you feel better
I have been doing this a little too... Jaci...
Things I have been able to eat for the past 7-8 months, all of a sudden don't sit right... I will get crampy, hot flashes, flu like stomach feelings... I don't know why... I just take it easy on those foods, and avoid them for a little while... then try to slowly add them back in, in little amounts... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Just take it easy... go slow... dairy, like the things you mentioned... have lactose sugar... is it possible you've become lactose intolerent? It might be something to look into... then it could just be your pouch getting fussy??
Either way... take care of yourself and pay close attention to those symptoms... we all have to really listen to our bodies even moreso than before.
Much love and good luck!