My Plastic Surgery Consultation - Long!
Hey Everyone! I went to the plastic surgeon yesterday. It was interesting. I had to fill out the usual PITA forms. Then I sat and waited for a looong time but at least there were lots of photo albums in the waiting area. The results of many of the procedures were really impressive to look at. Unfortunately, the most impressive photos were of people who were not WLS patients...just skinny kids wanting larger ta ta's. But, really, all the before/afters were impressive!
I was finally called in to meet the surgeon. I was impressed with one thing immediately...he is actually quite a bit taller than me! That is so rare these days! Other than that...nice man...not much personality...kind of stiff...kind of a dork. But what I liked was that he had looked over my form carefully before I got in there and he knew about the procedures I was interested in. However, I checked off that I was interested in almost everything and I guess he is gifted enough to, right off the bat, know much more about what I need. What I mean is...he started talking about various procedures that HE thought I would benefit from. I guess they take people in immediately and can make that determination. He did, anyhow.
Okay, moving on... He talked about the best procedure out there right now for WLS patients...the lower body lift (LBL). What it does is literally lift the area from the knees to just under the breast. He said that WLS see incredible results from this procedure. Then he started talking about breast lifts. He looked at me and said, "You may only need a lift." I replied, "Well, maybe, but I want my shrunken kiwis lifted AND enlarged." He said that would work well, too. He showed me some slideshows of before and afters on his PC and talked at length about the they are done, etc. It was interesting...kind of like being in an episode of Nip/Tuck. Now, if this surgeon looked ANYTHING like Dr. Christian Troy...I would be in trouble! ;)
After the discussion part of the consultation, I went into the examination room. He said I had to take off everything. I said, "Uh...everything?" He said that would be best, yes. However...sorry for the TMI...but it is my time of the month and I cannot wear tampons so it was me and my pad.
I told him that and he stuttered, "Uh, ok, fine...leave them on." I thought it was funny but, really, not much sense of humor in Dr. Nip/Tuck. he returns and tells me to take off the robe. One whole wall is a mirror. I was bummed to disrobe because I was admiring just how nice I actually looked in the robe (I used to look like a hippo in robes pre-WLS). I dis-robed and stood in front of the mirror wall. Okay, so I look like the Crypt Keeper...but here is the wonderful thing...I did not CARE! I felt better about myself standing there like a semi-Shar-pei than I would have at almost 300 lbs. And then he said something that made me fall immediately in love with him. He said, "Oh,'re not bad at all." He said that a LBL would be perfect for me. He told me that there is a good chance I would not need an additional thigh lift later on (most WLS patients get a LBL and then a subsequent thigh lift. The LBL pulls the skin taught on the thighs but does not lessen the circumference).
Then we talked about my girls. He said that, with my right breast, I could get away with the type of procedure that only leaves a scar around the areola. Unfortunately, her sister is saggier and she would require a scar underneath and from the areola to the base. He said I could get away with just a lift if I wanted. I repeated again that I wanted to be LARGER. I think he actually said, "Oh, good" but then stuttered. I asked him what size I should be for my height and stature. He had shown me a picture of a girl who wanted to be REALLY big. He said he normally does not do that because he does not like to but she was a big girl...and also very tall. So, anyway...he said, "Well, you are not as big as the girl I showed you but you are her same height. I would recommend a high C cup for you." That is the EXACT phrase I used...that is what I wanted. Then he said, " would look, I mean...that size would be good for you." I guess he is in the practice of not directly complimenting patients. Again...he is rather stiff.
The next step was to look at my arms. He told me to hold them out. I did and he said, " do not need your arms done." He told me if I really wanted them done, he could do it but he does not recommend it. YAY! That made me happy although, who knows, I might have it done some day.
So, after some more poking and prodding (literally), I got dressed and met him back in his office. I asked him additional questions such as...can I have this done all at once? He said no and gave me VERY good reasons for it. I did not get the impression that he was just splitting them for monetary reasons. I asked him about the pain and how long out of work (pain will be considerable for the LBL...almost nothing for the lift/augmentation). I asked him how long I would have to wait between procedures (3 months). I asked him other things but I do not have the list with me right now.
The last thing I asked was..."When could I do all this if I wanted?" He said, "When your weight stabilizes for a few months." I said, "Oh...ok...because I want to lose about 16 more lbs." He said, "What? Nooooo." Then I totally fell in love with him. ;) J/K!! I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "You are at the perfect weight now and I would highly recommend that you do NOT lose anymore." He said that I have about 12-15 lbs of skin and, when that comes off, it would put me at ideal weight according to my 18-month planner. He said that if I got down to 160 and then had the procedures, that would put me in the 140-range which he said is "ridiculously" low for my stature. I was, at once, both exhilarated to hear that, for plastic surgery, I am at goal...but a little disappointed because I really would like to get to 160 on my own. But he said that dropping below 160 is probably not sustainable long-term. Hmm...something to think about!
So...that is how it went. I still plan on seeing other surgeons and talking to them. And I cannot have these procedures anytime soon. Why, you may ask? The price tag on both procedures (total) would run nearly $25,000. And I just do not have that right now!! Ah well!
If you have any questions about this, feel free to let me know!
Jersey Mom
Sounds like your experiance was very similar to mine other than I am just 5.1 and only because people don't get it when you tell them you are five feet 1/2 inch.
I do need to have my arms done but hoping not my thighs, I understand my outer thighs will be pulled up by the lbl but I am a little worried about my inner thighs they are just skin and droopy, we will see how much he pulls up. Oh and I also need that Butt auto-augmentation to give me some padding to sit on. My Dr said the same thing about the breasts as your's however my husband was dissapointed and the Dr said he could put in implants after he does the lift and I determine I still want them. The only thing about that is if our skin is so damaged wont the new boobs fall just like the old ones did ?
Congragulations on being at goal, I have realized listen to what they say about stopping if you don't you are going to have bones popping out all over the place and its not so comfortable.
Hey Tori:
Thanks. :-) I think when they lift the girls (without implants), it is similar to any tuck. The skin is pulled taut so the girls hang high! ;-) With implants, that helps keep them even higher. I have always been small in that department so it is something I have ALWAYS wanted. Unfortunately, since I want to do both procedures, the girls come second. That was my priority but, oh well!
I cannot wrap my mind around being "at goal." There is a big part of me that is screaming, "SCREW IT...lose those last 16 lbs!!" Since I am a LONG way from being able to afford P.S., I just may try to lose them. I am definitely not all bones right now so I do not think it would look bad. We'll see.
Have a GREAT day!
I just had my final consultation. I am going to have a tummy tuck, breat lift/stuff on Dec 11 and a thigh lift and arm lift 3 weeks later. He said when he did the thigh lift he would take some of the wrinkes out of my butt. The price tag on both these surgeries is about 23K. I am about 10 lbs from my goal, but he said not to worry that the plastics will take about 5-7 away. I am very excited!!!!! Good luck with yours.