Plastic Surgery......
Ok, all this is probably a bit premature (atleast for me anyway) Has anyone been refered to a plastic surgeon yet? Better yet, has anyone been told about how many lbs in excess skin the might have? My surgeon told me that I probably have between 35-50 lbs of excess skin. It is pretty gross and my apron hangs way low. I can actually lift it up like a flap. Sorry it is so graphic. Is he for real though? Can we actually have that many lbs. in excess skin? I am just in disbelief. This is from my surgeon who is supposed to be the director of wls at Cedars Sinai. I guess I am just shocked. I shouldn't be though cause it does look like it is alot. What do you guys think? I have also heard that I might have to have surgery to remove my apron in 2 steps and that scares the heck out of me. Any input?
I have not been refered yet, but I too will need to at least have my apron removed. I just talked to a girl that had an entire ab lift done (upper & lower). She had to pay for the upper and it cost her $2500. She says it was the worst surgery she has had pain wise. She has to wear a big elasict band for like 3-6 months. Thinking about plastics scares the "you know what" out of me. I think 35-50 lbs sound like alot of excess skin, but I'm not a doc! How close are you to goal? My surgeon won't even do a referal until at least a year, but would like longer and wants your weight stabalized for at least 3 months. I guess I will see what he has to say at my 1 yr check. I am way too far from goal to seriously think about it. I still have 69lb.s to go.
I am about 100 lbs to goal. I was refered at 6 months post op go figure. I agree, I have heard the pain is worse than wls. I did not keep the appointment cause I figured it was too early. If in fact there is that much lbs. in excess skin than I would say I am about 65 lbs to goal. I will see what the doc says at my 1 yr too. Thanks for the response Leeanne!
Hey Norma:
I do not think it is premature to be thinking about these things. As a matter of fact, I have an appointment with a Plastic Surgeon on Thursday! I am not ready for it, mind you...I still have 16 lbs until goal....but I want to start researching it and having everything ready so that, when I am physically ready to have it, I can go for it!
I will definitely let everyone know what he says...actually...I am going to post a message about this...
Love and hugs,
Norma! My Gal! I don't think it is too early to think about plastics. I want to be ready mentally and physically... and part of that includes research. I want to be utterly comfortable with my choice of procedure AND surgeon- just like our WLS.
My belly is pretty gross as well. I can lift it up and everything... now, its beginning to irritate me as well. So I'm gonna take some pics of my mini rash and any problem areas in the future for insurance purposes.
I don't know how much excess skin I'll have in pounds, but I know if I pull everything away its a lot! Its weird seing the outline of the body without the excess skin- creepy. I don't know how to tell about the excess weight... does the surgeon just estimate? I'll see him January for my one year check up.
As far as procedures go... I'm looking into the lower body lift or the circumfrencial (I can't spell this am) body lift ( they might be the same thing!), my arms done, and I want a breast lift of some sort. I have lots of skin on the sides of my torso... I wonder what that is called...
You sound so much like me girl. I have the bat wings and can't even fit into a bra comforatbly. I do need a breast lift as well. I should look into the lower body lift as well. I really will need that too. It is weird to me to also lift up my skin and see the outline of my body. It is a little creepy too. I will keep you all informed of the research I do.
I started the process about three months ago. I saw two of the best plastic surgeons here in AZ and decided on the first one he was quite a bit more expensive and will not combine procedures, which was fine with me, he also wants me to have a 3 night hospital stay with my lower body lift which again is just fine with me, the more the better. I have my Lower Body Lift-Mons plasty-Buttoc Auto-Augmentation scheduled for January 23rd. The Dr told me a few months ago to stop loosing and that he would remove 15-20 pounds of excess skin and that would bring me 4-9 pounds under weight now ( I have lost 4 more since my consult) he also wanted me to be stable for about 3 months and I pretty much have.
After this surgery he said he will wait 3 months and then do the breast lift and brachoplasty (arms) and then after that settles if I feel I still need the augmentation he will do that, he said I may not because there is still tissue there just disbursed
( yes, into pancake form).
I am excited and scared about my upcoming surgery he said I have lots of muscle tightning that needs to be done and I have heard thats what causes the pain, however I am looking forward to this part of my journey.