Fruit vs. Bread Carbs
Hi everyone! I'm still floating from yesterday's water drinking so forgive me if this has been brought up and I totally spaced on it.
I just looked at the facts for a small apple... it's got 16 carbs. Its better to have the fruit/veggie carbs over the pasta/bread carbs right? How does that affect you? I've noticed that if I have alot of breadish carbs I retain lots of water- amazing, the body isn't!?
Any ideas/suggestions???
Yes, it is WAY BETTER for you to have fruit then it is to have a bread. Most likely your bread choice will be a simple, refined carb... proceesed, white, in all its glory terrible for you. Also, the chance is high that mixed with that white flour is some sort of fat (butter, shortening, etc) as well as sugars (fructos or white)... thats pretty much all thats in bread. Check out the ingrediant list on a package of cake or breads... its long.
Now, a peice of fruit is full of sugars... but they are NATURAL. Unprocessed. The fruit also will give you fiber (if you eat the skin) to offset the carb intake. Also, fruit is full of antioxidants, vitamins, and other healthy things.
One last thought... there are many lower calorie fruits and veggies. Bread is usually higher in calories as well.
Now, I am no expert, but I do know I feel far more guilty eating a peice of bread then I ever do eating a pear. I sometimes get sick off the chips/bread/cake and never do off fruit. I am a firm believer in our body and soul really knows what is best for it, and we just need to listen.
Ok, now that I said that, I need to figure out how to live by what I say... gah. Damn bread.
Thanks alot Mary. I can't eat the skin on an apple- Pookie hates it and she just yells at me all day long. Usually I cut the apple, then cut the skin... I eat it with peanut butter. I haven't tried the skin for awhile though, maybe since we're so far out, she'll accept it?
I know I knew this, but I guess I needed confirmation from my peers lol!!! I just never realized how much carbs were actually in a banana or apple he he.
I don't have a great problem with bread, per say (unless its got some peanut butter and nsa jelly on it he he... but its the chips in the cupboard or that thing of pasta in the fridge that keep calling my name!!
Thanks alot!
Fruit does have alot of carbs but they are complex verses simple if I understand it correctly. Fruit and veggie carbs are better for you. The rule of thumb is, the more processed the carbs are the worse they are for you. I too retain water from the "bread" carbs and they give me gas too!
I have also heard them reffered to as "white" carbs. Those being the ones to avoid, so white, flour, sugar, rice, pasta...
The "bread" carbs are also what makes me crave MORE! I have really been on a downhill spiral with carbs the last few days! Darn it, I was doing so good last week!
Oh Girl, I hear you. I allow myself fruit not alot but when I go into carbs I am not really into bread, tortillas anymore cause they make me sick. I can eat chips though no problem and my major weakness is mini pretzels and pretzel sticks you know crunchy salty. Anyways that week I pigged out on pretzels I gained about 6 lbs. The next week I cut out the crunchy salty, added my frui****er and exercise and lost about 9 lbs. I think that I am so like you bread carbs hurt me too. I suggest to myself just don't over do it. I allow fruits I think they are better than bread carbs.
I was watching Dr. Oz on Oprah yesterday, and yes....the refined carbs are definitely worse for you. He did say that whole wheat products are so much better for you when you consume them. I told my dietician that I wasn't eating much starchy carbs at one point and I got yelled at! She said it's very important to have starches in our diets just as much as the other food groups. I have increased my bread intake per day (sometimes too much!), and just the opposite....i feel better depending on what I'm doing for the day. I get dizzy if I don't consume any carbs and I been working out the same sucks! That being said...I need to eat more fruit! I rarely eat fruit, and I like it alot. I just need more!