So much PAIN!!
I am in so much pain!! My stomach is just doubling me over. Yes, my surgeon knows I went to the ER yesterday and had a CT scan and blood work. My white count is up so he started me on antibotics. He gave me the option hospital or home. Dummy me chose to go home!! I go back Thursday and said if I was still sick then I would agree to a readmit.
Please forgive me if I am not around as much, but know you are all in my thoughts.
Continue your prayers for me.
This is mentally unbearable for me!! I just don't know how much more I can take.
I am taking my pain pills it just doesn't seem to be enough.
Thank you all so much.
Please call your surgeon back. You don't have to be in pain. You can still go into the hospital, or they can give you another pain med. But please don't sit in pain.
Once you get some control over your pain, try going to a good place in your mind. A calm place, relaxing helps to heal. My thoughts are with you.