Any ideas?
I find it hilarious that you have posted this because I too have the same exact problem ever since losing all this weight-prior to I NEVER slept with my mouth open-I hate waking up in the morning, my mouth is sooooooo dry etc, I cant brush my teeth and drink something fast enough-If you find a solution please let me know-my husband used to use a cpap(?)machine for snoring and he doesnt anymore so he said I could have the binder that he had to use to put around his head and chin that kept his mouth closed-I may have to try that is its some what confortable-haha Lori
You know Rose, I had the same problem before my WLS and now it has gone completely away and I don't snore either like I used to. I hated waking up in the morning with a dry mouth, it really bites. I just dealt with having a glass of water by the bed and drink that when I woke during the night, but sorry no real solutions.